Nightshift 24: Second M Block, Near the bathrooms and exit

Jun 02, 2007 10:30

((Coming from here.))

It wasn't a long way to go before he wound up at the doors leading out of the cellblock. Kimbley couldn't quite remember what room Wesker said he was in - not that it mattered - but he knew it would still be a while. The doors had just unlocked; he wasn't expecting anything, or anyone, else to show up and recognize him for a ( Read more... )

jack horner, robin hood, subzero, kimbley, snake, bradley, light, ginji, riku replica, haku, artemis, hisoka, hikaru, citan, renji, greed, james, tatsumi, alucard, captain jack, hk-47

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grabby_hands June 3 2007, 02:58:50 UTC
Greed's general sense of well-being was not unlike the way he'd felt after that goddamn skull had fallen from the ceiling and he'd broken his bonds after some hundred years of boredom. Another man might have described it as the feeling one has after getting over a bad flu, but being an undead product of forbidden alchemy, Greed had never suffered those sorts of unpleasantries ( ... )


crimson_handed June 3 2007, 03:04:23 UTC
There was a loud bang, and Kimbley glanced over to check the source of it. Unfortunately, it was several hallways down, and he couldn't see whoever or whatever it was from here. Frowning, he flicked on his flashlight and meandered away from the exit door, trying to see what had happened ( ... )


grabby_hands June 4 2007, 00:32:19 UTC
Everything was still pretty damn blurry as Greed brought his hand down again, glancing up and down the dark length of the area he'd found himself in. He felt the beam of a flashlight on his face and hissed, bringing up a hand again to shield his eyes.

"The hell do you think you're doing?" He grumbled at whoever had been checking him out before straightening slightly and leaning his back against the wall. When his shoulders hit the cool surface, he paused, looking towards his left shoulder and seeing that the bandages that had once been holding it together were gone, as well as the pain that had come with them.

He smirked. Maybe the bastards had done him a favor, and maybe now they'd pay for it.

He leaned forward, feeling steadier as he crossed his arms over his muscled chest and glanced towards where he knew the exit to the main hallway was. This time, he'd kick some ass, this time ( ... )


crimson_handed June 4 2007, 00:41:08 UTC
Those sharp, countless teeth and that grin - oh, hell, how he knew that grin. Despite everything he'd built himself up to be, despite all his anger and refusal to be shaken by anyone or anything, there had been two times in his life he truly felt the strings of panic lunge up in his mind. The first time had been when Scar blew off his own arm, leaving behind a bloody stump, and charged Kimbley with the intent to kill.

The second time was now.

For a few long moments, Kimbley was frozen in place by that sharp grin and the murderous intent in those purple eyes. But he was a soldier, trained to react on a moment's notice; within a few seconds he had broken out of his stupor and took another few steps down the hall, away from Greed. Fast steps. And shortly he turned away, trying to get as much space between himself and the irate homunculus.


grabby_hands June 6 2007, 10:09:25 UTC
Greed's grin fell as quickly as Kimbley's feet hit the ground in the opposite direction. The homunculus had heard enough about the impossibilities of this place to not stand around like a dumbfounded dumbfuck, and it was with that mentality that he pushed himself off the wall and towards the bastard.

"You always were a chickenshit!" Greed yelled as he began to give chase, though after a scant few steps, he realized why he'd taken a breather once he'd gotten down the hall in the first place.

He swayed mid-run, keeping his equilibrium for a lucky second before blood rushed to his head like a flood to an ocean, and his side slammed into the hard floor.


crimson_handed June 6 2007, 14:43:24 UTC
He fell.

Kimbley didn't see it happen, but not long after Greed's words processed in his head he heard a distinct thud. The chasing footsteps had cut off. Curiosity sneaking up on the cat, Kimbley paused in his run and glanced over his shoulder.

Greed was on the floor.

Hah. So this place had weakened him - and more than it had done so to Kimbley. Unless this was just a lucky moment, exhaustion and idiocy all catching up at once, his sudden sharp fear was crushed by a smug sense of superiority.

Instead of running while he had the chance, like he should have, Kimbley turned all the way around and pointed his flashlight directly at the fallen homunculus and gave a wide, cruel grin.

"At least I can stand up," he said, ready to spring backwards if Greed should suddenly recover from his fall.


grabby_hands June 7 2007, 04:01:28 UTC
Greed scrabbled at the floor, realizing on top of it all that although his shoulder was in far better shape than it had been the last time he'd been conscious, it was throbbing with some vestigial ache from the injury. Homunculi weren't supposed to ache.

But then again, homunculi also weren't supposed to be in a disgraceful mess on the floor while some double-crossing slimebag stood over them and laughed.

Greed's fleshy palms pressed against the floor faster than his weakened shield could cover them, and though his violet eyes narrowed in the wake of the mocking light, the taunt did more to anger him than it did to hinder him.

"So can I," the homunculus growled in response to the slight, shoving himself up despite his lack of balance and glaring at his quarry. Although he still wasn't solid on his feet, his hands were finally covered in black carbon, tense as they hung at his sides and he began to grin again.

He lunged.


crimson_handed June 7 2007, 04:09:47 UTC
Kimbley's grin managed to stay on his face even when Greed put his hands on the floor and pushed himself up. It stayed as Greed spoke, completely doubting what the homunculus said. It fell, however, when Greed suddenly lunged up from the floor in one fluid movement, directly at him.

He leapt back, but in his newfound hurry the side of one foot caught on the other, making him stumble. As he slammed a hand out to catch the side of the wall, he realized that this one tiny detriment was going to cost him too much, and that he had to move a lot faster than he was to get away from Greed.

In the time it took him to think this, his feet had scrambled back at least another foot, but it was too little too late. Greed lunged and slammed into him, black-clawed hands (hell! he still had those, and he couldn't even start making someone suffer by touch?!) catching him and sending his flashlight clattering down the hall ( ... )


grabby_hands June 7 2007, 04:44:02 UTC
Greed had the upper hand for the moment, his eyes wide and wild as he took the opportunity that Kimbley so wanted to avoid and one set of his claws grabbed the bomber's arm. The other one went for the bastard's neck, and the homunculus had just about pinned his adversary to the floor when Kimbley seemed to make a last ditch effort with his own human hands and scratch with well-kept nails at Greed's face.

Such an attack towards a homunculus might have been laughable back home, but here, it could prove a little more fruitful, if not very. Greed hissed at the desperate ferocity and shut his eyes, jerking back just far enough to allow the bomber more room to move, though whether or not he could get away was still a question up for grabs.


crimson_handed June 8 2007, 01:31:32 UTC
It gave Kimbley part of the opportunity he so dearly sought, that slash across Greed's face. The homunculus drew back just enough for him to get his free arm (because those claws were still viciously clamped over one arm, and going harder for his neck) up against Greed's neck, and he shoved in an attempt to either snap Greed's throat or at least choke him enough to give him room.

His legs were still caught, though, as was most of his lower body. Kimbley tried bringing his knees up and shove back to no avail. Still with his forearm pressed viciously against Greed's throat, Kimbley jerked the arm caught in the carbon-clawed grip, trying to free himself from the potentially deadly grip.


grabby_hands June 9 2007, 05:09:53 UTC
Greed coughed, at first pressing down harder with his armored hands in retaliation and then jerking backwards as he was knocked off balance in his moment of weakness. Then again, given the pitiful amount of effort that it was taking to fight back... well, in another time, on another day, Greed would have just shielded his neck and ripped the other bastard's vocal cords out of their skin.

He managed to keep enough of a hold to dig his claws in at both of the points where he grasped his adversary, and it was he felt them pierce skin that he looked up and smirked once more.

"I wouldn't... do that, if I were you."


crimson_handed June 9 2007, 05:14:20 UTC
Shit. The claws had gotten to his neck. Now Greed, however strangled he was, had something along the lines of the upper hand. Sure, Kimbley could keep pressing and maybe he'd actually snap the bastard's neck (clearly this place was keeping Greed weak, because in the past, he never would have made it this far without seeing the entire damn shield come up), but before he could manage that he had the feeling Greed would shred his throat.

Before he'd ever gotten a chance to see Mustang, and the expression the man was guaranteed to have.

Damn it.

Still, he kept his arm right where it was, only pulling it back the slightest bit. He strained his head and neck back, trying to take as little damage as possible from those damned claws. He was in a bad spot, and he knew it - now there was just trying to find that one opening, that one damn opportunity, where he could kick once and jerk his whole body and escape those freakish hands. And not get killed in the process.


grabby_hands June 9 2007, 05:29:43 UTC
"So," Greed grinned in the wake of Kimbley's silence, knowing there was a wall behind the bastard and claws to keep him pinned down, but wanting some kind of satisfaction before he snapped his neck. "What the hell did they offer you to rat me out, anyway?"


crimson_handed June 9 2007, 05:32:28 UTC
Kimbley was silent for one long moment before grinning, wide and sharp and dangerous, although not nearly as wide and sharp and dangerous as Greed.

"Can't you guess?" he asked in a dry, almost bored, tone. "The only thing worth living for: the opportunity to kill."


grabby_hands June 9 2007, 13:00:45 UTC
Greed snarled in response to Kimbley's response, not at all empathetic. Greed didn't have any qualms about killing, sure, but he figured there were easier ways to go about getting what he wanted out of those who didn't want to give it.

That is, unless he wanted someone dead, which meant that Kimbley was up one shitty creek.

"You always were a shallow ass, weren't you?" Greed growled through grit teeth, yanking Kimbley's neck up and pressing it hard against the wall. "I got you all out of that damn prison. You owed me."

Survival of the fittest or dog-eat-dog, the bastard might reply, but Greed knew it was more than that. This hadn't been about survival; it'd been about some asshole moving on to his next kick. It wasn't a sentiment Greed was unfamiliar with, but it also wasn't a sentiment that should have fucked him over.


crimson_handed June 9 2007, 15:54:15 UTC
"You got me out?" Kimbley snorted with laughter even as his head rang with the sudden contact with the wall. "You're giving yourself too much credit. I got myself out of that hellhole. I blew the floor apart and walked away from your friends' little experiment. I could have gotten out of that prison on my own. You just sent your little pets to get those soldiers out of my way."

Normally, Kimbley wouldn't have seen any reason to validate himself, especially not to Greed. But hell, he was dead. Greed was dead. And they were both here, with suppressed abilities, neck-and-neck and looking for revenge. (Greed was, anyway.) Why shouldn't he tell the homunculus exactly what the truth was? The truth was usually more interesting than a lie, and got better reactions, anyway.

"If you look at it that way," he hissed, fingers curling into his palms, "then I don't owe you anything."


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