Nightshift 24: Second M Block, Near the bathrooms and exit

Jun 02, 2007 10:30

((Coming from here.))

It wasn't a long way to go before he wound up at the doors leading out of the cellblock. Kimbley couldn't quite remember what room Wesker said he was in - not that it mattered - but he knew it would still be a while. The doors had just unlocked; he wasn't expecting anything, or anyone, else to show up and recognize him for a ( Read more... )

jack horner, robin hood, subzero, kimbley, snake, bradley, light, ginji, riku replica, haku, artemis, hisoka, hikaru, citan, renji, greed, james, tatsumi, alucard, captain jack, hk-47

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Comments 115

faithful_frost June 2 2007, 16:14:30 UTC
((Coming from here.))">

Haku looked around the area. He could hear people starting to leave their rooms and he briefly wondered what they had planned for the evening. He also wondered about the fight Recluse and that other man were supposed to have. He had no doubt that Recluse would show up, he seemed the honorable sort (as well as appearing to want to kill the other), but he wasn't sure about 'John'.

It wasn't his concern anyway.


repolarization June 2 2007, 16:32:55 UTC
((also from there))

Ginji noticed that there were some people already in the hallway when he entered it. He was in a hurry but he couldn't just ignore them. His flashlight caught one that was probably a few years younger than him.

"Hi," he said with a quiet voice. "I'm Ginji. Where are you heading? I'm heading to the other M Block. Maybe we can walk together for a bit?" It wasn't that he was saying that the kid needed protection, he just had learned it was always better to have someone to watch your back. If the kid was heading somewhere else, then no harm done by introducing himself.


faithful_frost June 2 2007, 16:41:14 UTC
Haku blinked and then turned around to face this new person, a warm, friendly smile on his face. "Hi Ginji," he said. "I'm Haku. It's nice to meet you." Haku bowed slightly, then took a moment to appear somewhat lost and confused. "I'm trying to get to the other M block as well, so, I guess going together would be a good idea..." He looked a little apprihensive, while in truth he was working out whether or not he could deal with this man should he prove to be a threat.


repolarization June 2 2007, 16:45:10 UTC
Ginji's smile grew wider. "Great!" he said, though he was sure to keep his voice still low. He started to move toward the door that lead out of the block. "I have to meet a friend in M34. He and I have been close since he woke up here together. At least we can walk together and watch out for each other until then, yeah?" He looked at Haku and seemed to notice in the dim light the marks on the boy's face. "Oh no, what happened?" They looked new enough that they either happened right before the boy got here or after he had. It depended on if he was one of the ones who woke up today. "Did the staff here hurt you?" He looked honestly concerned despite the fact that he had just met Haku.


budgetordie June 2 2007, 17:09:18 UTC
(OOC: From here)

Tatsumi moved through the halls as quickly as he could manage, given that it was dark and he only had a flashlight to see by. Still, he found some comfort in seeing the number of people already out, and their lack of interest in him. While he didn't let his guard lower because of that, it did help to know that not everyone was a creature that wanted to kill him.

He kept an eye on each as he passed, them, heading to the door that lead to the connecting hallway. If he had managed to find his way so quickly, there was hope that the other three could do the same. Then they could decide on an objective for the night, with plenty of time remaining to accomplish it.


killing_suzie June 2 2007, 18:05:09 UTC
Captain Jack noted someone else out in the hall with a flashlight. He waved his skillet cheerfully as he began to pass on by, adding in a quiet, "Evening!" as well. It never hurt to be friendly, after all.


budgetordie June 2 2007, 18:48:46 UTC
Curious, that a stranger would talk to him, and so cheerfully at that. But Tatsumi was polite, even if he had no intent of extending the conversation beyond greetings.

"Good evening." Though under the circumstances, it was undeniably a stretch to call it good.


somber_secret June 2 2007, 19:46:39 UTC
((From here.))

With help from the beams of light from the other people traipsing the halls, Hisoka quickly found himself close to the exit of the patient block. Almost there.

Hearing a familiar voice, though, the empath stopped in place and looked around. Tatsumi. Hisoka's brow furrowed slightly and, reluctantly, he approached. Even though the boy would have rather just continued walking especially after the secretary's willingness to simply let Tsuzuki die, Hisoka knew that to do so would only be childish and they had to meet up eventually.



stray_shinigami June 2 2007, 17:12:18 UTC
Renji was very quiet for a man of his size, thanks to the fact that he wasn't wearing shoes - and knew how to run, fast and silent, because it was a skill he'd needed to learn to survive.

He noted there were people in the area, but none of them seemed hostile to him particularly, and that was all that mattered. Maybe another day he would have stopped for a quick chat, but he had too much to do.

He ran past them all and out the exit.


stray_shinigami June 2 2007, 17:13:09 UTC
(to here)


i_slay_giants June 2 2007, 19:46:24 UTC
( From here)

Jack quietly half sang/half hummed as he moved through the halls towards the sunroom. There were people around (not surprising, given that he had been told the doors opened for EVERYONE at night), but Jack wasn't interested in interacting. As far as he was concerned, he needed to get to this fight and get it out of the way, lest HE appear to be the lesser man.

Even if his arms and armor were a bit lacking at the moment.

Continuing with his almost silent step and song, Jack walked on.


i_slay_giants June 2 2007, 20:06:54 UTC

grabby_hands June 3 2007, 02:58:50 UTC
Greed's general sense of well-being was not unlike the way he'd felt after that goddamn skull had fallen from the ceiling and he'd broken his bonds after some hundred years of boredom. Another man might have described it as the feeling one has after getting over a bad flu, but being an undead product of forbidden alchemy, Greed had never suffered those sorts of unpleasantries ( ... )


crimson_handed June 3 2007, 03:04:23 UTC
There was a loud bang, and Kimbley glanced over to check the source of it. Unfortunately, it was several hallways down, and he couldn't see whoever or whatever it was from here. Frowning, he flicked on his flashlight and meandered away from the exit door, trying to see what had happened ( ... )


grabby_hands June 4 2007, 00:32:19 UTC
Everything was still pretty damn blurry as Greed brought his hand down again, glancing up and down the dark length of the area he'd found himself in. He felt the beam of a flashlight on his face and hissed, bringing up a hand again to shield his eyes.

"The hell do you think you're doing?" He grumbled at whoever had been checking him out before straightening slightly and leaning his back against the wall. When his shoulders hit the cool surface, he paused, looking towards his left shoulder and seeing that the bandages that had once been holding it together were gone, as well as the pain that had come with them.

He smirked. Maybe the bastards had done him a favor, and maybe now they'd pay for it.

He leaned forward, feeling steadier as he crossed his arms over his muscled chest and glanced towards where he knew the exit to the main hallway was. This time, he'd kick some ass, this time ( ... )


crimson_handed June 4 2007, 00:41:08 UTC
Those sharp, countless teeth and that grin - oh, hell, how he knew that grin. Despite everything he'd built himself up to be, despite all his anger and refusal to be shaken by anyone or anything, there had been two times in his life he truly felt the strings of panic lunge up in his mind. The first time had been when Scar blew off his own arm, leaving behind a bloody stump, and charged Kimbley with the intent to kill.

The second time was now.

For a few long moments, Kimbley was frozen in place by that sharp grin and the murderous intent in those purple eyes. But he was a soldier, trained to react on a moment's notice; within a few seconds he had broken out of his stupor and took another few steps down the hall, away from Greed. Fast steps. And shortly he turned away, trying to get as much space between himself and the irate homunculus.


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