Night Shift 24: M11-M20 Hallway

Jun 02, 2007 10:51

((OOC: Starting off in M13, moving into the hall.))Homura closed his eyes as that familiar voice filled the air, let out a slow breath to ease into the proper mindset for what was about to happen. Short this time, which was good, as he didn't have any desire to listen to the head doctor prattle on endlessly. No, Homura was eager to get things ( Read more... )

ren, yuber, homura, ken, rock lee, elena (ffvii), roy, rufus, ashton, valyn, allen, reno, kyouya, rukia, javert, eddie brock, alec, gin

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Re: Inside M17 offduty June 8 2007, 07:51:17 UTC
Rufus had no need to worry whatsoever that Reno might back away. If anything, he did the exact opposite, sliding both arms around Rufus, his fingers tangling in the blond hair.

He grunted softly as Rufus settled on him, shifting a bit to better support the weight. Rufus wasn't a big man, but neither was Reno. Still, he managed to get comfortable enough under the circumstances. He slid his leg over Rufus, trapping part of the President's body beneath it.

A low growl escaped him when Rufus spoke his name again. He dropped one hand lower, sliding down Rufus's chest until he reached the end. His fingers danced along the waistband of the pants and brushed that thin line of bare stomach, teasing. He finally pulled away from Rufus's lips, tracing kisses down the side of Rufus's throat instead, as his teeth nipped lightly at the skin.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, something prodded him and reminded him that that door was wide open, that Elena was still on her way, and that Landel's still had any number of monsters who could sneak up on them...but such higher thought processes were doomed from the start, what with Rufus rubbing and pressing against him like that.


Re: Inside M17 theheirshinra June 9 2007, 17:28:29 UTC
Rufus squirmed some in Reno's lap, not meaning to evoke a reaction just yet but to get comfortable. It didn't help much that Reno's lips and teeth against his throat were leading him far from any thinking ability. One hand tangled back into Reno's hair, fascinated with its length it would seem. Quick fingers made short work of his hair tie, letting them loose to tumble over Reno's back and down. There was something about that he couldn't resist. Rufus' other hand slid down to Reno's leg, gripping the man's thigh as he rocked forward again.

Head thrown back, Rufus tried to contain his gasp, eyes still slitted shut in pleasure. It was too much sensation for a man who was used to having ever single thing in his control and dictated according to his will. A sharp breath was drawn in as the Turk's fingertips slid along his stomache, leaving what felt like hot trails across bared skin. His own hand slid further down Reno's leg, tracing the lines of muscle beneath the cheap cloth of Landel's. Too many people thought Reno was just skin and bone but Rufus was discovering differently. His head tilted, exposing his throat fully to the other's lips.

"The door," he hissed, about all thought he could give to it. A vision of what Elena's face would be like flashed briefly across the mind's eye before that too was lost. All that his mind concentrated on after that was pulling Reno tighter against him, straining for that contact. He finally left off of Reno's hair, fingernails scoring across the back of the Turk's sweatshirt, wishing for once that the man was still wearing his usual loose uniform shirt. That would have been much easier to get past.

"Elena... is going to be... traumatized."

Maybe he would luck out and they would be late.


Re: Inside M17 offduty June 9 2007, 23:47:34 UTC
((ooc: moving them both here.))


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