Night Shift 24: M11-M20 Hallway

Jun 02, 2007 10:51

((OOC: Starting off in M13, moving into the hall.))Homura closed his eyes as that familiar voice filled the air, let out a slow breath to ease into the proper mindset for what was about to happen. Short this time, which was good, as he didn't have any desire to listen to the head doctor prattle on endlessly. No, Homura was eager to get things ( Read more... )

ren, yuber, homura, ken, rock lee, elena (ffvii), roy, rufus, ashton, valyn, allen, reno, kyouya, rukia, javert, eddie brock, alec, gin

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Comments 101

coolegoist June 2 2007, 15:55:05 UTC
Kyouya stepped out of his room as soon as the door unlocked with a loud click, having prepared for this as soon as he'd finished dinner. The time he took to do so went a long way - the fear he felt as soon as the lights went out was still present, but now controlled. His flashlight was held in one hand, at his side and ready.

He might not be fooling anyone, least of all the person who was now headed for him. Still, it wasn't as if Homura hadn't seen Kyouya's fear before, which by all rights was completely rational. He had no place here.

But he'd make one, if that's what it took to get out. "Good evening, Homura-san," said Kyouya, without his usual host smile. There wasn't much use for pretense now. He held out Homura's collected metal. "This is yours. If you don't think it'll be sufficient for your sword, I have my metal as well."


screwthegods June 2 2007, 16:08:09 UTC
It took effort to hide the surprise from his face at Kyouya's generous offer. Perhaps what helped Homura to succeed was the voice in his mind that knew Kyouya's personality, and his methods. The offer was only generous if one forgot the price that would come with it.

Though it was still tempting.

"Adelheid said what I described should be enough." Homura took the pot, but didn't turn to leave just yet. "Though it might not hurt to be cautious. What would you want in return?"

Protection was the obvious answer, of course. Or perhaps Kyouya was attempting to settle the debt he'd already accrued for the two nights they'd spent together so far. Still, Homura wouldn't take the materials until he knew exactly what Kyouya intended; fighter or no, he wouldn't underestimate the boy.


coolegoist June 3 2007, 07:56:08 UTC
Pleasantries were on the tip of Kyouya's tongue: modest demurring, platitudes about teamwork, only the slightest hint of expecting any reciprocity in the future. It was easy to deal that way back home, with the intricacies of their social etiquette. The rampant suspicion and rudeness made that a little tougher here.

Of course, it wasn't as if Homura was wrong to question him. Kyouya only smiled as he turned back into his room - not far, as he already had a portion of his silverware set out. The rest was as safely hidden as could be in a completely insecure room.

"A sword arm. I assume the sword arm of the 'Toushin Taishi' is top notch," he said over his shoulder. "Not tonight, of course. I wouldn't want to inconvenience you, but should something come up in the future, I'll call upon your assistance. One night only. Is that acceptable?"


screwthegods June 3 2007, 08:14:54 UTC
Perhaps those from Kyouya's home could be taken so lightly, but Homura hardly thought it rude to be upfront with each other. If Kyouya wished to smoothly talk his way into an advantage over some fool, then it was his own choice, and more power to him should the method actually work ( ... )


gentiana_clusii June 2 2007, 16:14:47 UTC
((OOC: Also starting in M13.))

Though Homura couldn't see, his back was turned and he was already exiting the room, Ken grinned right back. Fine by him. There was no one he'd rather find than his team. Working with anyone else was awkward and downright annoying.

Ken rose off his bed, spine cracking as he stretched and considered his options. Firstly, he was sorely unprepared for what was happening--he figured everyone was, but he was at a distinct disadvantage having only learned slight bits of what was really going on here, and he was weaponless to top it off. A quick search of the room produced a radio, notebook (Ken scoffed at that, the thing was all but useless,) a roll of pens (also quickly dismissed,) and a hefty flashlight. The last would be good for blunt trauma, if anything. He briefly entertained the idea of just staying in, avoiding trouble until he knew what sort of trouble he was up against, which would be the smart thing to do--but he never was the smartest one of the bunch. The fact that he didn't even know which ( ... )


gentiana_clusii June 3 2007, 02:07:06 UTC
((to here))


youthfulrocklee June 2 2007, 16:26:41 UTC
The Doctor, Lee decided, needed to be talked to, and possibly bashed over the head a couple of times. He decided that he would keep those thoughts to himself for now, and simply do whatever was necessary to get to their destination.

For now, however, it was most important to get to the others. He stretched quickly in the hallway, keeping an eye out for those around him.

"Takaya-san, rest tonight. I shall fight in your stead," Lee called back into the room. Without others waiting for him, he decided that there was no need to hold back his speed. Like a blur of movement in a photo, Lee moved down the hallway to meet his friends.

((to Here


traitors_smile June 3 2007, 16:25:23 UTC
[To here]


Outside M17 offduty June 4 2007, 01:16:36 UTC
It hadn't escaped him that the Head Doctor had ceased to announce the names of those they'd be pulling out for Special Counselling.

Dammit. They just had to go and make things harder, didn't they?

Feeling incredibly bored already - wandering around at night was starting to get routine enough that even the freaky stuff out there had stopped holding his interest - Reno knocked on Rufus' door and waited.

He was a bit concerned about Dean. Not because the man had opted out - it wasn't like he'd expected a guy he'd know for three days to stick around all the time - but the couple of things he'd said had

Well, whatever.


Re: Outside M17 theheirshinra June 5 2007, 03:43:22 UTC
Rufus groaned as he opened the door, staring blearily at Reno. The Shin-Ra President looked as rough as a man who had been on a four day bender. Eyes bloodshot, he was not exactly a pretty sight right now. Even his usually perfect hair had an unkempt look to it as he had been holding his head in his hands.

"Next time I decide to go play with a telepath, remind me that their minds can get hooked to my own at very bad times, will you?"

Grumbling under his breath, Rufus stepped out in the hallway, one of the pipes in hand. He wasn't going out unarmed tonight. Well, unarmed except for his bad temper.

"If Schuldig feels a quarter as bad as I do, I doubt he'll be around. I take it that we're off to get Elena then?"


Re: Outside M17 offduty June 5 2007, 04:10:27 UTC
Well, this was unexpected. If not for the lack of alcohol here, Reno would've wondered if Rufus had maybe curled up with a bottle of scotch for a few days. He sure as hell looked like he was nursing a bitch of a hangover, anyway.

"I would say I told you so, but that might be preaching to the choir." He cocked a curious and mildly concerned eyebrow. "So what did our friend the personal space invader to do you?"

This would've been a more pressing matter, except that Rufus didn't sound all that accusatory. Coupled with Schuldig's numerous hints that he had a high chance of going insane sometime during the day, it was likely that whatever Schuldig had done, it hadn't been on purpose.

Hmm. Will wonders never cease.And at any rate, Rufus didn't look deathly ill or anything. Maybe a bit pissed off, though ( ... )


Re: Outside M17 theheirshinra June 5 2007, 04:21:27 UTC
"Yes, yes, you told me so."

Rufus waved a hand, choosing not to acknowledge that it was his own fault that he felt like hell.

"He made me feel like my brain decided to explode and paste itself back together. I could feel him for a split-second shrieking or something, and then it was gone. I think if he would have stayed in there I probably would have gone insane easily. If that's what he hears all the time, it's a wonder and a half that he hasn't gone round the bend."

Rufus sighed, touching a hand to his forehead.

"I couldn't get near him. I'm hoping he's all right."

Truth be told, Rufus was greatly worried about the telepath. That tiny taste had been enough for him, making him want to drag out his eyes or something to relieve that pressure. Still, even he had enough sense not to challenge Farfarello or the rest of Schwarz for Schuldig. It would have been like trying to face down Tseng for Elena or one of the other Turks.

"They're in there in the closet. Grab whatever you want."


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