((OOC: Starting off in M13, moving into the hall.))Homura closed his eyes as that familiar voice filled the air, let out a slow breath to ease into the proper mindset for what was about to happen. Short this time, which was good, as he didn't have any desire to listen to the head doctor prattle on endlessly. No, Homura was eager to get things
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Dammit. They just had to go and make things harder, didn't they?
Feeling incredibly bored already - wandering around at night was starting to get routine enough that even the freaky stuff out there had stopped holding his interest - Reno knocked on Rufus' door and waited.
He was a bit concerned about Dean. Not because the man had opted out - it wasn't like he'd expected a guy he'd know for three days to stick around all the time - but the couple of things he'd said had felt...off.
Well, whatever.
"Next time I decide to go play with a telepath, remind me that their minds can get hooked to my own at very bad times, will you?"
Grumbling under his breath, Rufus stepped out in the hallway, one of the pipes in hand. He wasn't going out unarmed tonight. Well, unarmed except for his bad temper.
"If Schuldig feels a quarter as bad as I do, I doubt he'll be around. I take it that we're off to get Elena then?"
"I would say I told you so, but that might be preaching to the choir." He cocked a curious and mildly concerned eyebrow. "So what did our friend the personal space invader to do you?"
This would've been a more pressing matter, except that Rufus didn't sound all that accusatory. Coupled with Schuldig's numerous hints that he had a high chance of going insane sometime during the day, it was likely that whatever Schuldig had done, it hadn't been on purpose.
Hmm. Will wonders never cease.And at any rate, Rufus didn't look deathly ill or anything. Maybe a bit pissed off, though ( ... )
Rufus waved a hand, choosing not to acknowledge that it was his own fault that he felt like hell.
"He made me feel like my brain decided to explode and paste itself back together. I could feel him for a split-second shrieking or something, and then it was gone. I think if he would have stayed in there I probably would have gone insane easily. If that's what he hears all the time, it's a wonder and a half that he hasn't gone round the bend."
Rufus sighed, touching a hand to his forehead.
"I couldn't get near him. I'm hoping he's all right."
Truth be told, Rufus was greatly worried about the telepath. That tiny taste had been enough for him, making him want to drag out his eyes or something to relieve that pressure. Still, even he had enough sense not to challenge Farfarello or the rest of Schwarz for Schuldig. It would have been like trying to face down Tseng for Elena or one of the other Turks.
"They're in there in the closet. Grab whatever you want."
Or - okay, maybe not really. He actually still couldn't bring himself to give much of a damn about anything regarding the telepath either way, as long he was kept out of it.
Rufus, though, was starting to worry him a little more. The President didn't look to be in severe pain, but Rufus could be as bad as any of the Turks when it came to revealing the full extent of any sort of injury.
But fussing over his boss like a mother hen wasn't a part of his job description.
"You don't look so hot yourself," Reno said, shuffling through Rufus's closet and removing one of the pipes. "If we get lucky, we might be able to snag you some painkillers. That is, if you're still good to go tonight?"
"Small headache" my ass. If it was enough for Rufus to appear affected by it, there was nothing small about it.
Reno didn't bother insisting otherwise, though. It wasn't like he would've said any different if it'd been him. And really, trying to get any male to willingly swallow his pride was an exercise in futility. Rufus was more inclined to crack ten jokes in a row than admit he needed to take a night off ( ... )
Reno snorted in mild amusement, sliding further down in his chair into even more of a slouch.
"Hey, it's about time the execs take their turn at it. Lord knows I've gone through enough of those damn things, even before this."
He wasn't even sure if Elena had ever ended up with the same training the rest of them had, given she was the only one who'd joined up after that disaster with Veld and the other Turks. He'd never asked, and she'd never told, but when he thought about it, it didn't make a whole lot of sense to maintain any specific program just for one person.
At any rate, training had always sucked a hell of a lot more than the actual job itself.
He laughed, reaching back to retie his hair. "Oh, Tseng would just accuse me of using the cameras as a means to my voyeuristic tendencies or something. 'Sides, I'm the only person at Shin-Ra who even knows what the goddamn concept of a hobby even is, thank you very much ( ... )
Rufus snorted at that. Damn it, but that seemed so long ago. What had it been? A week? Two? Time had lost meaning here in Landel's. It felt like months. Watching Reno tie back his hair, Rufus frowned faintly. Did Reno's hair look longer? Shaking his head, he put the matter out of his mind and smirked at Reno's words.
"I'll have you know that I do recognize what a hobby is, Reno. I have quite a few actually. I collect gems occasionally. I have a great fondness for precious blue ones."
The other things he tended to collect he wasn't going into. Schuldig had already hinted at Rufus' proclivity in that area ( ... )
At the mention of the new Turks, Reno leaned his head back to peer up at Rufus. "Yeah? God knows we could use 'em."
He was always wary about the hiring of new Turks - expanding the circle to unknown faces was never the best way to keep things secure - but there was no denying they were short more than just a few hands. They'd operated all right with the four of them before because there were still the SOLDIERS and the various lower guards to back them up, but after Shin-Ra collapsed, those guys had all scattered. Coupled with the fact that their intelligence network had crumbled to dust, too - hard to keep your sources when you couldn't offer the same power and protection - there was no way they could keep going with just four goddamned employees ( ... )
A moue of displeasure came and went on Rufus' face at that particular memory. He recalled a bit too well some of the things from that era, ones he didn't care to dwell on. He was grateful for the subject change or what he pounced on as a subject change.
Glancing down at Reno, Rufus nodding, shoulders lifting in a vague shrug. "Tseng had wanted some, ones that he was willing to work with and build up since we're lacking the Shin-Ra Military Academy still. I'm not sure how it will go exactly, but that's not my area. I leave that in his capable hands. I ended up getting The Look for even thinking that he not let the rookies be my guards. He made it very clear that he thought I was the fool for even suggesting he would do such ( ... )
The flaw in his plan was apparent soon enough when Reno failed to be properly cowed by Rufus' revenge tactic. That was unexpected.
Uhh... shit.
A dark thought surfaced in Rufus' mind, he seizing on that quickly like a drowning man would a life preserver. It was a long shot, but it might just work. One way or another, he needed to win this. Had to. The amusement in Reno's eyes was welcomed, not wanting to chance pissing off his one of two allies here. If Reno had showed the slightest sign of discomfort (or at least discomfort that Rufus would have known him well enough to pick up on) Rufus would have backed off. Since he didn't, Rufus leaned a little closer, his hair brushing against Reno's own.
"Do you know how I knew you weren't my Reno?" he asked, that low growl still in his voice. "My Reno had two scars. One is barely visible right here ( ... )
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