Night 57: West Hall

Jul 20, 2011 15:57

[ from here ]

Just like last night, the door easily swung open after being approached by Erika, which made the girl wonder briefly how it could exactly tell that she had the required amount of people accompanying her. For a moment, Erika looked a little disoriented; this hallway looked exactly like the one she went through last night.

"Landel-san really has awful taste. He could have at least used a different theme," She remarked to herself as she looked over the tapestries depicting war and other such unpleasant things that lined the hallways, made of the same dreary gray stone, lit up with the exact same candle fixtures. But there were differences: doors in the middle of the hallway, and then another one at the end of the hall. The difference was slight, but enough. Yet Erika couldn't really get a close glimpse, because she was still in the doorway, using herself to keep the door propped open so she could let the other two in.

Also, this was so Erika could make sure that she was the last person in before the doors locked. She was quite serious about not wanting to let anyone get away tonight.

nigredo, erika

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