Night 57: Grand Ballroom

Jul 16, 2011 23:50

Taura jogged down the stairs, and looked around. The room seemed far too large to belong down here. More benefits of being at the bottom of a gravity well -- space was cheap, and air was free. The fountains wouldn't be out of place in a fancy hotel lobby, though the rest of the decor was a little macabre ( Read more... )

s.t., goku (dragonball), claude, guy, taura, scott pilgrim, anise, peter parker, nigredo, depth charge, rita, two-face, erika, sync, indiana jones

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bodhiandspirit July 17 2011, 23:12:38 UTC
As Taura led the way down the stairwell, Rita left her bag of cookies on a shelf inside the refrigerator. Most of the fruit, along with another banana peel, were left alongside it. She didn't want to carry a whole armful of food into what could be a trap. One apple was brought along with her, and she took a few bites from it as she descended.

Just as before, the brightly lit ballroom was stunning to look at. It took a moment for Rita to take in the change of scenery, but soon she began walking to the east door. They might as well try the one that wasn't working last night, she figured. It would prove whether what Taura said had any truth to it or not.

Without a word, she approached the door, reached for the handle, and pushed...

To her surprise, the door easily opened. Startled, Rita took a step back. "It opened!? But it wouldn't budge yesterday! How..." She looked around, trying to find some kind of logical explanation for the change. Was it really just because they had a third person...?

"Well, whatever. It looks like we can move forward now," she decided, realizing the others probably weren't interested in figuring out the trick to the door. She could think on that later. "There's just one thing I need to do before we go."

Rita stepped aside and discarded the core of her recently finished apple at the side of the room. While it would look sloppy and disrespectful to drop garbage in such an elegant-looking place, Rita honestly didn't have any respect to spare for their captors. Besides, she wasn't going to carry garbage with her when they moved on.

That wasn't the one thing she needed to do, though. Now that her hands were free, she held up her right hand and examined the ring on it. The broken gem had sharp edges. Bringing her left hand over it, she winced as she pressed one finger into the gem, pricking it. There was a tiny amount of blood, but it was enough. She rubbed the blood onto the gem of the ring... and like magic, the stone began to repair itself.

Moments later, the red stone was back to its original round shape. "There. Now we can return here any time," she explained, showing the ring to the others (but mostly Taura). Now the ring was both an emergency exit and a shortcut if they needed to return another night.


ninelivesonce July 18 2011, 01:31:54 UTC
There was one thing Taura wanted to try, too, and Rita had just handed her a golden -- or, er, blood-red -- opportunity. Literally handed it to her. "Give me a second, yeah?" Taura reached into her pocket and pulled out the materia Rita had managed to make heal her cut the previous night, and looked at it.

What did she do now? Think at it? Physician, heal thyself!

Something blasted its way out of her mind on a jet of flame, turned, with the effortlessness of zero-G maneuvering, and sped off in a different direction -- towards Rita. None of it was visible, except for a faint green glow from the stone, reflected in her eyes. And the skin on Rita's finger, which was as perfectly repaired as the ring had been, save for a little smear of blood.

"It worked!" Her stomach growled, as if celebrating the victory as well. Huh. She hadn't really been doing anything to burn off dinner, not yet -- but the energy to heal had had to come from somewhere, hadn't it? She popped the rest of her sandwich in her mouth. "And now we've got a little insurance in case someone gets really hurt."

She pushed the door open, carefully, and then slipped through.

[to here]


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