Night 57: Intercom, Beginning of Night

Jul 14, 2011 01:00 crackle to life as quickly as it faded. The intercom buzzed with static before abating, and the General spoke after a single beat:

"Let's set aside the misleading rhetoric and deal strictly with facts, shall we? The charade, after all, was for the benefit of your loved ones. You, on the other hand, are aware of what lies in store for you tonight. It would be a great disservice to both of us if we continue the pretense of upholding that worthless man's 'little enterprise'."

A pause.

"We've gathered the necessary data. The results of our changes have proven satisfactory. It is time, then, that we allow you to understand the basics of what you will experience in the upcoming days. That is, if you are willing to accept our influence.

"Our conduct towards you is based upon two factors: first, the length of your stay within Landel's Institute. The longer you last, the more valuable you are to me and my men. The greater the value, the greater the esteem. Second, the amount of pins that you hold. Some of you have seen them: the little emblems attached to your beret. They are symbols of your accomplishments--past and present--as well as symbols of privilege. Unlike your previous caretaker, we reward you as severely as we punish you for your actions. We treat you as sentient beings, capable of making your own decisions and reaching your own conclusions."

Something slammed against a flat and hollow object, the noise reverberating throughout the Institute as much as the General's accented speech.

"Not drugging you. Not squandering your talents in favor of pretend play with psychology. You are men. You are women. You are not animals. You are not mindless, inebriated cretins clawing at the walls to escape an impasse. You act accordingly for your own reasons--as much as we act for ours. Do not, however, make the mistake of thinking we cannot do otherwise. If we wished, we could make you become anything imaginable.

"But that," he said, calmer, "is not our goal.

"If you are willing to accept our influence, you may try the system to your advantage. You may kill to eat, to better earn your keep. We will offer what you wish in exchange for your survival and accomplishments. If you refuse, you will be no different than your previous captor."

The insinuation, it seemed, was obvious as the man did not bother to clarify.

"As a sign of good will," proceeded the General, "I give to you access into the Medical Wing. You may find the entrance on the ground floor of the Institute, toward the east side. There, in the Infirmary, you will find several doses of a concoction still in their infant stage of development. One dose is all we require, and in exchange, we will reward you with one pin or one fitting weapon."

There was a dangerous pause, scrutiny narrowing to a sharpened point.

"It is your choice. We will follow accordingly."

The intercom clicked off, and the doors to the patient rooms unlocked in unison.


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