Day 24; Doctor's Office #1; Dr. Crane

May 20, 2007 11:23

Crane had been pleased that the bosses had decided to change up the therapy schedules. It gave him more time during the shift with some patients and allowed him more time out of the week to see his patients and do his job.

As he sat at his desk, waiting for the patients to come through, he glanced through the schedule and the patient files again for Ms. Aston and Ms. Fenwick. Last time, he hadn't had much time with Ms. Fenwick, but he had seen the results of what the doctors had done to her some time ago, before she had come to Landel's. She kept speaking in riddles and seemed perfectly petrified of him; it was really quite intriguing, and he had to remind himself that in that case, he had to be more cautious when it came to her fears. No use depleting her sanity more. Not yet, at least.

As for Ms. Aston...well, he hadn't quite looked into acquiring the book she wanted, but he could always just say it was on its way, couldn't he?

crane, larxene, river

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