Day 56: Sheriff's Office (Late Afternoon)

May 16, 2011 13:15

The conversation with Dean had been long overdue, and yet Castiel still felt like he hadn't had enough time with the man. There was simply too much to go over, too many facts that Dean needed to be filled on. It seemed like he would never reach a point where he was more or less on the same page with the man, and getting back to the point that they had been at when their timelines had matched up seemed impossible.

He also wasn't certain if he'd really accomplished that much, but Castiel was nothing if not persistent. He would track Dean down the following day and continue his work to get him on his side, because he wasn't certain he would be able to get anywhere without his help. Sam was... another story entirely, seeing how he was still so far under Ruby's spell. That was likely something that only Dean could snap him out of.

While he'd wanted Dean to accompany him back to the sheriff's office to see if it was now open, the man had apparently had his own plans, and so he'd been forced to part ways. It wasn't ideal, but he could hardly force Dean's hand before this; here it would more or less be impossible.

And so he headed to the sheriff's office on his own, walking up the three steps onto the porch and then peering inside through the window to see if it was open. It seemed that there were some people moving around inside, though most of them looked busy. That wasn't enough to stop Castiel, however. The office resembled some of the small town ones he'd seen while working alongside the Winchesters, so he would have to hope that he could get some information out of them.

First, though, he needed to decide on his strategy. Castiel lingered near the door as he thought through it. Should he ask about possible omens, signs of the Horsemen? Or would it be better to see if they had any idea of what was happening in Landel's Institute? What was his priority at this point?

[For Kaworu.]

kaworu, castiel

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