Day 56: Bill's Hardware (Late Afternoon)

May 16, 2011 09:58

The day had gone by surprisingly fast. Guy could hardly believe that it was drawing toward an end, but the fact that he'd run into Natalia against all odds was probably what contributed to that. Still, he'd made one purchase, caught up with her at least somewhat, and had lunch, so Guy was set for the most part. The last thing that he wanted to do was see if he could make his idea of handcrafting his own sheath become a reality. That meant heading to the hardware store in search of leather.

The moment he stepped into the store, Guy felt as if Claude should have been there with him. The two of them had explored this store a few times before, both at night and during the day -- and it was odd that he hadn't seen his friend all day when they tended to meet up somewhere in town. Maybe Claude had been busy with other things, though, and the town was small, yet big enough to miss someone depending on where you went.

If he was lucky, he could find his friend during the bus ride back. With that thought in mind, Guy started to walk up and down the aisles of the store, still holding onto the bag containing the book he'd bought that morning. He had about twenty dollars left -- surely that could buy him some leather. He had to make sure this store even sold it before he could worry about anything else, though.

[For Rita.]

firo, rita, the doctor, kratos, guy, brainiac 5, dexter

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