Day 56: South Street (Morning)

May 03, 2011 15:34

The bus ride hadn't been long, but it had been a bit strange to ride in a wheeled vehicle. Talking with his fellow passenger had earned him some interesting and potentially valuable information, but he was going to have to find out more if he wanted to get out of this place and off-planet. But why were they giving him the run of a strange town? Did they want him to make an escape attempt? Would they end up shooting him as he made a run for it?

Of course, even if he did run, he had no idea where he was going to go. For all he knew, they could've built this town and the facility in the middle of nowhere. Starving to death out in the hills didn't seem like a good plan. Then again, who knew when he'd have a chance like this again?

He flexed his fingers, back up against a brick wall as he took in the street. No visible armed guards, but that didn't mean a damn thing. Plenty of those wheeled vehicles, though. Maybe one of those could get him out of here.

He certainly didn't expect asking anyone here about a spaceport to get him any answers. Not if his theory was correct.

[For Indy!]

luke skywalker, indiana jones

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