The foul taste of the blood still lingered his in mouth, despite his efforts to remove it.
"Not sweet, no," the Doctor answered Castiel, wrinkling his nose. "But not like that, either. It's like it's gone off."
He wasn't sure if that was the best description or not, but it seemed fitting; it seemed somehow rotten or spoiled or something. Still, the blood had only served to make him more curious about the creature: he couldn't say for certain that no blood (of any creature in the universe) might naturally be like that of the dead thing in the hallway, but in his limited experience, it was a first. He would have liked to find out why.
Unfortunately, it didn't look like he was going to have much time to examine the creature in further detail, with the aid of his sonic screwdriver. Castiel wanted to continue, and now Dean had already started down the hall, away from the blood in the hall and the dead creature. He hesitated, and finally gave it one last glance before getting to his feet and jogging to catch up.
As far as Castiel was concerned, it was obvious that most of the creatures here had at least been dead at one point, even if they were reanimated now. And not all of them were -- there had been that spirit out on the field, for instance. It seemed odd that the Doctor hadn't assumed that the blood would be dead and rotten, but in the end it wasn't important enough for him to comment on further.
At the mention of the chapel, he nodded, searching the area for any dangers before trying to take the shorter path the way they had before. Being the one in the lead was a good feeling, and one that he hadn't truly experienced in a while. Even on his first night when he'd been leading Orihara around, they had both been equally confused about where they were.
In any case, it didn't look like that same machine-like girl from the night before was around this time, which made their trip to the chapel far easier. When he reached the open double doors, Castiel stepped in with no hesitation.
"Not sweet, no," the Doctor answered Castiel, wrinkling his nose. "But not like that, either. It's like it's gone off."
He wasn't sure if that was the best description or not, but it seemed fitting; it seemed somehow rotten or spoiled or something. Still, the blood had only served to make him more curious about the creature: he couldn't say for certain that no blood (of any creature in the universe) might naturally be like that of the dead thing in the hallway, but in his limited experience, it was a first. He would have liked to find out why.
Unfortunately, it didn't look like he was going to have much time to examine the creature in further detail, with the aid of his sonic screwdriver. Castiel wanted to continue, and now Dean had already started down the hall, away from the blood in the hall and the dead creature. He hesitated, and finally gave it one last glance before getting to his feet and jogging to catch up.
"The chapel, then?" he asked in confirmation.
At the mention of the chapel, he nodded, searching the area for any dangers before trying to take the shorter path the way they had before. Being the one in the lead was a good feeling, and one that he hadn't truly experienced in a while. Even on his first night when he'd been leading Orihara around, they had both been equally confused about where they were.
In any case, it didn't look like that same machine-like girl from the night before was around this time, which made their trip to the chapel far easier. When he reached the open double doors, Castiel stepped in with no hesitation.
[To here.]
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