Night 53: M51-M60 Hallway

Dec 13, 2010 19:33

The doors had not even unlocked and Landel had already began granting them more examples of his cryptic rambles. Hnn. Perhaps Scar was growing paranoid after all this time, but it almost sounded as though as if he had yet another surprise in store for them, be it tonight or tomorrowThe doors finally unlocked, and the former lion moved into the ( Read more... )

gumshoe, sechs, zack, scar (tlk), sasuke, kaito, aidou

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M55 sixth_attack December 18 2010, 03:58:53 UTC
"He's gonna beat ya senseless y'know!" the drug sniggered inside Sechs head ( ... )


Re: M55 unmocked_lawr December 19 2010, 04:25:01 UTC
[from here]

And here was M55. Javert wasted no time in knocking loudly and firmly before settling back on his heels and waiting. If Sechs was inside, he should have no trouble hearing.


Re: M55 sixth_attack December 19 2010, 23:01:00 UTC
The sharp knocking on the door sent Sechs bristling up like a spooked wolf, causing his fingers to slip on one of the belts that held up his armor. As his shoulder plates tumbled down with a clatter, Sechs snapped his head towards the door, his hair whipping through the air like black blades.

"The HELL?!"

Was that Recluse at the door? No, that couldn't be it... He said they were going to fight in the main hall! Who the hell would be visiting him now--

Ignoring the dismantled gear on the floor and grabbing his machete, Sechs stomped to the door and swung it open.

"YOU!" he snarled at Javert with an accusing glare. So the guy had decided to bring back the notes, huh? Sechs knew now would be a good time to question Javert about how they got passed on to Landel, and he wasn't planning on being nice and tactful about it!

Sechs reached out to grab Javert by the collar and drag him into the room. "GET IN HERE! I got a bone to pick with ya!"


Re: M55 unmocked_lawr December 20 2010, 06:33:44 UTC
"The HELL?!"The shout was muffled by the door, but the tone of Sechs's voice was clear enough for all that. One eyebrow twitched upward for a moment. Had Sechs forgotten their meeting? Probably not--the overreaction was too strong for that. Perhaps he thought someone else was at the door. There was little time to ponder the curious reaction; the door flew open, and there was Sechs, holding a machete. His apparent irritation did not appear to have faded ( ... )


Re: M55 sixth_attack December 21 2010, 04:25:21 UTC
"You always had such a friendly way with greeting people, don't ya?" the cold poison taunted in Sechs' head. The Replica ignored the voice, keeping his focus on the man within his grasp and shutting the door behind with the end of his machete ( ... )


Re: M55 unmocked_lawr December 21 2010, 21:48:30 UTC
Javert stepped back as he was released, his expression unchanging. Best to keep his distance; he doubted he would have time to draw his own blade, and being spitted by a short-tempered robot this early in the night would inconvenience his plans somewhat. Besides, he quite liked his cravat where it was, and finding another one here would be difficult ( ... )


Re: M55 sixth_attack December 22 2010, 04:16:30 UTC
In the Replica's reckless, furious mindset, he had been expecting Javert to crumple down into a panicking state of denial against the accusations, that all would be explained in truth and everything that had gone wrong since the night before would be righted ( ... )


Re: M55 unmocked_lawr December 23 2010, 04:31:17 UTC
Perhaps he had overstepped his boundaries somewhat. As usual, the robot's emotions were easy to read. Javert had only meant to cause Sechs to calm down and reconsider; it seemed he had succeeded too well in the latter. It wasn't the first time that had happened. He doubted it would be the last--and that was a thought he didn't much want to dwell on ( ... )


Re: M55 unmocked_lawr December 23 2010, 04:33:08 UTC
[running away from the scary cyborg to here]


Re: M55 sixth_attack December 23 2010, 22:33:46 UTC
Sechs angrily snatched the notes out of Javert's hand and quickly stuffed them away into his desk. He didn't care whether he deserved possession of the notes or not, he just wanted this painful visit done and over with!

Slamming the drawer shut with a loud slam, Sechs turned back to face Javert with a growl; he may have been right about Landel finding the notes first, and there was still the possibility that one of the four patients who were with Sechs that night may have betrayed the papers, but Sechs didn't care, his fuse had already been shortened, if not blasted by now!

"I said SHUT UP and get your side-burned ass outta here!" he roared at Javert's retreating back.

The door slammed shut, leaving Sechs alone with the drug in his body and Javert's stinging words. Glaring at the empty spot where Javert once stood, all Sechs could do was wearily slouch and mutter his unheard reply, "Yeah, I'm gonna deal with one of those patients tonight actually..."


Re: M55 sixth_attack January 2 2011, 02:19:35 UTC
What felt like hours of releasing his rage later, Sechs finally came to his senses when he heard distant music followed by a familiar voice fizzling out of his radio. Blinking and panting from exhaustion, Sechs found himself slouched over the edge of his bed, surrounded by the mauled pieces of his chair and the deep scars it left on the walls. The radio was powered on upon the desk, its message vague and not terribly comforting to its listener. The Replica's ears strained to understand, tingling with slight excitement at what he recognized as the sound of a shot gun being readied.

The radio man made no mentioning of Jill, no disasters against him or the Second World group. Just another question to add to the already huge pile of questions Sechs and everyone else already had. Eagle? Landel did mention that name once at one point didn't he? It was tough for Sechs to remember, what with all the sedatives that had been pumped into his arms throughout the day ( ... )


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