Night 53: M51-M60 Hallway

Dec 13, 2010 19:33

The doors had not even unlocked and Landel had already began granting them more examples of his cryptic rambles. Hnn. Perhaps Scar was growing paranoid after all this time, but it almost sounded as though as if he had yet another surprise in store for them, be it tonight or tomorrowThe doors finally unlocked, and the former lion moved into the ( Read more... )

gumshoe, sechs, zack, scar (tlk), sasuke, kaito, aidou

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Re: M55 sixth_attack December 22 2010, 04:16:30 UTC
In the Replica's reckless, furious mindset, he had been expecting Javert to crumple down into a panicking state of denial against the accusations, that all would be explained in truth and everything that had gone wrong since the night before would be righted.

Instead, Javert's verbal counterattack impacted Sechs like the backfire of a foolishly handled gun. The older man laid out his own explanation, a calm and logical answer that packed a far stronger punch than Sechs' own explosive accusations. The words rapidly invaded the Replica's system like a good dose of sedatives, smothering his rage and sending his head spinning with a fresh new wave of panic. The black drug immediately feasted on Sechs' inflamed guilt, sadistically echoing Javert's incriminating reply with no relent.

As Javert spoke, the beastly fury on the android's face vanished with a gasp that came out more as a pained growl than anything. Suddenly overwhelmed, Sechs lowered the machete and took another step back, his eyes wide and darting about in frenzied thought.

"Wha-... But-!" he stammered, avoiding eye contact with Javert as he gripped into his scalp with his free hand, "I didn't know the staff were coming in and-- I didn't even get to--"

No way! It couldn't have been Sechs' fault! He couldn't help that he was captured that night! He may have spread the note's information as a way to boost his ego, but he was sure he had been careful, and in the end he had good intentions! He wasn't the one to blame!

But Javert's retort stacked up against him, and before Sechs knew it, that terrible burden of guilt fell on his heart with the same crushing force as a ton of garbage falling upon the Scrapyard from Tiphares. To think that the Radioman and Second World's efforts to help everyone trapped in the institute may have been ruined by one stupid patient! That mishap could have lead to whatever fate befell Jill as well! Was everyone's chance at escape squandered now? Such responsibility was too much for Sechs to bear, not when he so desperately wanted to help end the institute's nefarious workings and return home!

Now Sechs was shouting as he almost doubled over from the strain, "No! NO! It CAN'T be my fault! I...!"

With little warning to his visitor, Sechs' rage suddenly flared up over his distress. He took a threatening step towards Javert, raising his machete once more and snarling at the man through a curtain of wild hair. "DAMNIT! Just-- Just give me back those notes already and get outta my face NOW!"


Re: M55 unmocked_lawr December 23 2010, 04:31:17 UTC
Perhaps he had overstepped his boundaries somewhat. As usual, the robot's emotions were easy to read. Javert had only meant to cause Sechs to calm down and reconsider; it seemed he had succeeded too well in the latter. It wasn't the first time that had happened. He doubted it would be the last--and that was a thought he didn't much want to dwell on.

He was tempted to hold onto the notes--what was the use of giving them to someone so easily affected by his own emotions, so quick to act without thinking? Still, he had given his word, and besides, the damage had likely already been done. With a faintly skeptical look on his face, he handed the papers over.

"Bear in mind the same thing could have happened before any of you happened upon the note upstairs," he said flatly. "If anything, Landel could have beaten all of you to the papers and left them there to reduce suspicion."

It was as much of an attempt at diffusing the overwhelming guilt as Sechs was going to get. Javert turned to leave; there was little point in staying longer. Still, he couldn't resist a parting shot just before the door slammed shut behind him.

"Have a care, next time you should think to accuse someone so rashly. I imagine there are patients here even less forgiving than I."


Re: M55 unmocked_lawr December 23 2010, 04:33:08 UTC
[running away from the scary cyborg to here]


Re: M55 sixth_attack December 23 2010, 22:33:46 UTC
Sechs angrily snatched the notes out of Javert's hand and quickly stuffed them away into his desk. He didn't care whether he deserved possession of the notes or not, he just wanted this painful visit done and over with!

Slamming the drawer shut with a loud slam, Sechs turned back to face Javert with a growl; he may have been right about Landel finding the notes first, and there was still the possibility that one of the four patients who were with Sechs that night may have betrayed the papers, but Sechs didn't care, his fuse had already been shortened, if not blasted by now!

"I said SHUT UP and get your side-burned ass outta here!" he roared at Javert's retreating back.

The door slammed shut, leaving Sechs alone with the drug in his body and Javert's stinging words. Glaring at the empty spot where Javert once stood, all Sechs could do was wearily slouch and mutter his unheard reply, "Yeah, I'm gonna deal with one of those patients tonight actually..."


Re: M55 sixth_attack January 2 2011, 02:19:35 UTC
What felt like hours of releasing his rage later, Sechs finally came to his senses when he heard distant music followed by a familiar voice fizzling out of his radio. Blinking and panting from exhaustion, Sechs found himself slouched over the edge of his bed, surrounded by the mauled pieces of his chair and the deep scars it left on the walls. The radio was powered on upon the desk, its message vague and not terribly comforting to its listener. The Replica's ears strained to understand, tingling with slight excitement at what he recognized as the sound of a shot gun being readied.

The radio man made no mentioning of Jill, no disasters against him or the Second World group. Just another question to add to the already huge pile of questions Sechs and everyone else already had. Eagle? Landel did mention that name once at one point didn't he? It was tough for Sechs to remember, what with all the sedatives that had been pumped into his arms throughout the day...

It didn't matter now. Sechs had finished expelling the worst of his rage and guilt over his visit with Javert. He was still heaving and panting from his fit, but his head felt clearer now, like a cloud of pollution had been cleared from his brain. It didn't change the fact that he may have been the one who failed to protect the information of the notes, but he couldn't do anything about it now. He had Recluse to deal with.

Ready for the night, Sechs rose to his feet and kicked the scattered parts of the chair out of his way. He quietly put on the remaining pieces of his armor, his emotions were far too deep inside to show on his blank face. He gathered his things; the axe, machete, one of the metal pipes from his first roommate and the teleportation ring. Sechs decided against bringing the radio, it seemed its announcer wasn't planning to broadcast anymore messages for the night. Lastly, Sechs picked up the flashlight and tested its power; it flickered slightly in his hand, but managed to keep up a steady beam of light, he would have to find new batteries for it soon.

Finally, Sechs put on the finishing touches to his battle gear: the single bold "6" on his temple. Remembering Michelangelo's words from the last night they spent together, Sechs was sure to correctly draw the number on his skin this time.

Ready at last, Sechs approached the door and slowly opened it. He was greeted by both the darkness of the hallway, and the sinister kind festering in his mind.

"Why won't you let me take over for ya?" the shadow hissed, its liquid form slithering just out of the corner of Sechs' eye. "You won't have to deal with all this pain or responsibility anymore. You're not fit for this, you weren't designed for it!"

Sechs winced and clamped his hand against the back of his cold neck. Not now! Leave me alone! He focused on that same light that helped him before, but its luminosity was hampered by the dread and guilt that shadowed his heart; it was barely enough to push the dark voice just out of ear shot.

"Alright then, but remember that once Recluse beats ya, I'll be there to finish ya off!" the drug whispered as Sechs stepped out into the hallway.

[To here.]


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