May 18, 2006 12:38
Well, it has been quite some time since my last post, and now it is well into 2006. So, here goes an attempt at doing a life update:
- Still a project manager at my company. Got offered a new job, verbally accepted, but then some personal sh*t hit the fan and I had to decline. I hated to do it, but right now I needed the potential long-term stability I have where I am now.
- Determined to visit a comic convention this year. I wanted to go to the San Diego Comic Con, the biggest one in North America from what I hear, but can't afford it for July. I think I may go to the convention in early September in Toronto instead, since it is cheaper for me to go to Toronto, and I can work it into my work schedule better.
- New girlfriend since around mid-February, and to date things are going quite well. I have to go to Montreal with her sometime this summer to meet one of her close friends and I have to pass that test.
- Going to KeyCon this weekend, which is the annual Sci-Fi/Fantasy convention here in Winnipeg. I haven't been to this in over 10 years. It should be interesting, especially with the number of geeks/nerds/social outcasts I know and will probably see there that I have not seen in years. My gf already complains that wherever we go I know someone; wait until this weekend!
Anyways, a brief summary. Time to go back to work. Blah.