Sparkle ch 1

Jul 31, 2007 22:52

Long time no post.
This is a 69 Eyes fanfiction.
It's not as good as most people's writting.
but i tries.
who knows.
you may like it.

It was all just a game. A game she never wanted to play. Yet there she was a pawn on his chess board moving all around trying to win the game. But never did it seem anyone advanced.
The city of Philadelphia was one of the oldest and most historical cities in the United States. People from all around the globe went to look around it, observing the memories it held. The tourists didn’t stay out to late because at night the street was theirs. The muggers and thief’s. The drug addicts and the dealers. The scum of society as they were called. This is where she was most at home. With all the people that the world seemed to forget about, the orphaned child found a family.
She was small for her age, only 5’2 and 102 pounds at age 15 nearly 16. She looked weak to those that just glanced at her but to those who knew her she was a deadly weapon. No one knew her real name, she didn’t even remember the name her parents gave to her at birth. She only knew the name they called her, Sparkle. It seemed innocent enough but the reason she got it was at the age of 12 she could steal jewelry like no one else. The elder thieves envied her gift. The young girl hated having to steal from people, she honestly did. Though she knew their was no other way that a young girl could make it out in the world without doing so.
Sparkle was only the tender age of twelve when she was left alone in the world, her parents murdered brutally, the killer 4 years later had still yet to be found. She was left in a house full of other girls all who had lost their parents as well. She couldn’t get along with the girls so one night, when everyone was asleep, she left and never looked back on it. She had yet to even think it about it.
The young girl wandered the streets and that’s when she met him, Kevin. Doesn’t sound like much but he was the head of anything that happened on the dirty streets. He said she had potential, she could be anything, he liked her. So he took her in and raped the girl. No one expected that he would do that, so when she told them the others dismissed it as a cry for attention. Kevin told her she should feel honored he choose to fuck her instead of all the other women. She didn’t believe it was an honor, she still didn’t think it to be anything but a bad fuck.
Sparkle learned quick not to mess with Kevin. She learned that you get hit for doing that, others turned up dead. She was considered very lucky he took a shining to her, another statement she didn’t agree with. There were many things that Sparkle didn’t like but she learned to keep her head down and mouth closed. It was the only way that she could survive.
It was an average summer night, warm and pleasant. Teenagers drove around in the cars their parents entrusted them with, lovers walked hand and hand, and everything looked beautiful. Take a few turns and leave this side of Philly and prostitutes stood on the corner wearing even less clothing then usual looking for work, heroin junkies lay in ally’s giving themselves fixes, well their drug dealers counted the money they had made from the pitiful people. It was not something people wanted to see, and as white suburbia drove by on their ways to the movies they choose to ignore the death of morals.
Sparkle rushed to the crusty apartment she shared with Kevin. The few dollars she made from pawning off the jewels she had stolen were crumbled in her fist. She opened the door to the boarding house and rushed up the dirty staircases. The smell of fresh piss, puke, and shit hit her nostrils. It was a familiar smell, she had dealt with it for so long it was like smelling fresh grass on a spring morning. Her fist hit the splintered wooden door to her house.
“Who the fuck is it?” cried Kevin. He never would just answer the door. The man was paranoid it would be the fuzz or one of the others trying to kill him. Sometimes Sparkle got nervous at the thought of the raid but she believed Kevin was intelligent. Any time the cops did come around they could never trace a single crime to him. It still scared her shitless though.
“It’s me. Open the fucking door.” she snapped. The hinges of the wooden door creaked loudly as the door was thrown open.
Kevin was not the ugliest man in the world but he was not the most attractive. He was in his late thirties, no fat hung from his body only toned muscles, he always seemed to have scruff on his face even after he shaved. His greasy medium length blond hair was pushed away from his face showing off his deep chocolate eyes. His teeth, though he smoked and drank, were pearly white. He was in a white v neck shirt showing off small tuffs of hair that was on his chest and black trousers that hung from his body. Sparkle had thought him more attractive then any of the other bums on the street.
“What the fuck took you so long?” he growled as she rushed past him into the flat. She rolled her eyes at his statement.
“It always takes me this long. Charlie gives me the best deals on the goods but he knows I pinched it so he makes me wait until 6 when he closes to cash it in.” she shoved a few $100 dollar bills in the mason jar that was overflowing with cash. Her and Kevin kept all the money that had in there until Monday when he would go to the bank and put it in the account.
“How much did you make today?” Kevin questioned moving back to his leather chair that he always sat in.
“I made about $600. I got a few nice pieces off some old lady. She didn’t even notice me hawk her bracelets. Fucking old bats.” the girl laughed grabbing a can of spaghetti-o’s from the cabinet and setting a pan on the stove. Kevin shook his head at her.
“You’re cold hearted, kid. The poor old lady probably had grandchildren that gave her them. And here you are coming along to take ‘em from the poor bitch. That’s just messed up.” Kevin told her. Sparkle rolled her eyes pouring the can into the pan.
“She had enough loot on her that she wont miss a few fucking bracelets. I mean, I need the money more. She has her life made. And look at me. I live with you in this place that can barely be called an apartment.” the girl grew annoyed by the fact he was trying to make her feel bad for her act she committed.
“I highly resent that comment. I mean this place, though isn’t the fucking Ritz, isn’t that bad. We have a roof over our head and that is something we should be happy with. You’re getting an education, unlike that other scum brats living on the streets, and you have new clothing.” Sparkle stirred the food annoyed by what he said. It was true. Not many of the girls her age, living her life, had it so good. They had to whore themselves in order to survive. She never had to fuck anyone, except Kevin, but that was different. If her shirt needed to be cleaned then she could go wash it, if it got a hole she didn’t have to wear it anymore she could get more clothing. Not many had the liberty of having a wardrobe. To them two shirts and a change of underwear was like Christmas, so Sparkle really had nothing to complain about. In fact Kevin told her she could even give up her trade as a thief, but the girl would hear none of that. She would feel like such a waste if she wasn’t “working” for her keep. At least by taking a few things she made some money, well a lot of money, and that was good.
“Food’s ready.” she plopped two servings on a plate and walked out to the living room handing him his plate and seating herself in the over stuffed couch. They ate in silence knowing Sparkle wasn’t in the mood to talk. A wind came in through the broken glass window blowing her deep chestnut hair. She looked over seeing the man had finished his meal. Without a word she stood up carrying the empty dishes to the sink. As she leaned over the sink she felt an arm wrap around her waist.
“You’re a heartless bitch.” Kevin whispered in her ear. Sparkle smirked setting the clean plates in the strainer.
“That’s such a romantic thing to say. You know exactly what to say to a girl to get her ready to fuck.” Kevin chuckled in her ear and nuzzled into her neck leaving small kisses on her soft flesh. Sparkle bit her lip her hands grabbing the counter. Kevin’s hand moved up her loose cotton shirt. Sparkle closed her eyes not thinking about his stubby, dirty nails touching her skin.
“Let’s get to bed.” he lead her to the stained mattress and laid her down on it carefully. Kevin straddled her as she closed her eyes as if it wasn’t happening. He stopped and looked at her. “Why do you always act as if you don’t want it?” he asked her. Sparkle’s eyes opened slowly.
“I don’t want it. I have never fucking wanted it. I just learned how to take it. How to fake everything.” she explained. Kevin looked at her with an expression of sorrow. His hands pulled off her shirt and unbuttoned her jeans. Sparkle thought he didn’t hear what she said so she laid still, like all the other times wishing for him to be done. But he stopped when she was fully nude.
“Open your eyes.” her crystal blue eyes opened slowly. “I want you to watch.” she nodded slowly, she had learned long ago to just do as she were told, it was always better that way. Kevin slid on a rubber and pushed himself into Sparkle. Her eyes flickered threatening to close but staying open. Kevin moaned a little pushing into her again. Sparkle wished he would just cum. She didn’t want this to happen, she wanted to sleep. It had been such a long day and all she needed was a few hours of bliss. “Mhh sparkle.” Kevin moaned pumping into her again. Sparkle grimaced at the look on his face. This was when he looked his worst, to her. He moaned louder and pushed faster and harder, Sparkle knew he would cum soon. “FUCK!” he shot out into the condom and collapsed next to her, after pulling the rubber off. Sparkle let herself be taken into the larger arms. For a tough guy he liked to cuddle and hold her a lot, that was the one time she didn’t mind him touching her. She felt safe in Kevin’s arms, like no one could hurt her and she liked that, she liked that a lot.
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