Well drama is an interesting thing. It can come and go and its always fucking hilarious to get into. So today I decided to spice things up yet again, people love it I think. Honestly the only true way to play FF is to be on ventrillo where you can talk shit about anyone and everyone and well it just really makes the game really fucking fun. So as many people know, especially the people who get on my Ventrillo, Artus comes regularly to my ventrillo. After hearing about certain events that take place in the world of Vana'diel he likes to comment about certain things that take place in it.
Ok, starting easy we were talking about TCO Whm Burning Fafnir. I'll state five white mages on Fafnir. With a mere 7 minutes left til berserk mode they made a valiant stand of MB'ing Holy and Banish 3 on him. Not to mention the taru blm standing on the back leg, who apparently almost got kicked for doing so because they didn't fully tell him the strategy.
Artus: Only retards can pull this off, but if you put enough retards in one situation they'll pull it off. If you put one retard in a situation they'll fail. Like if you put enough retards in a bus it won't blow up.
Damion: Yeah I don't know where he was going with that, something about them being retarded about it.
Moving on to the next topic. The current person controlling the character Artus seems a little......retarded, so to speak. Its been seen that not only can he not form full sentences he likes to fail at talking shit. Its actually quite the interesting sight. He seems to be along the levels of the 12 year old running that shell.
Artus: (About the guy controlling artus) That guy is a niglet and fucking retarded. And it must be fun having your home page at IGE so you can level the gold smithing, do you happen to be friends with Blackice?
(About Mythe) Yeah its fun following a 12 year old around that doesn't know what the fuck they are doing.
(About Tettaru) You know how greedy you are? You're getting a relic horn, Pass the fucking ridill. Next.
(About Jennitaru) Dunkin Donuts where? Down the fucking street.
(About Uroxin) They say a geared warrior makes a good warrior, but in your case? No, just no, You suck, quit the fucking game you fail at life.
Alright moving along once again. The crap that happened on Melina's livejournal~ Yeah ruke said something about savage having the Novio or whatever, yeah don't fucking care, but don't worry I'll let you know when I do.
Artus: Sylphet, seriously, You're a bitch. You were born a bitch, you're living a bitch, you're going to die a bitch. GWAR fucking owns. None of this artsy shit you post in your live journal matters, no one cares. You got a relic horn when half of the server didn't even know you HAD a 75 brd, too bad you had to fuck a 17 year old to get it /clap /clap. In Canada thats called rape. Its really fucking sad when the coolest person in BtL is now Faranim. And by the way Melina is prettier then you, just get over it.
By the way Blackice, you're still alive? Anymore women break up with you? No reason to slit your wrist lately? Seriously? I'm pretty sure you disappointed some women recently. How's your grandpa? Oh wait you didn't go to his funeral you were playing FF. Its nice to see that your grand father was easily replaced by an M Body.
Lhexh, its just too easy seriously I have nothing to say to you. Just drop your relic Great Axe you never use it anyway.
Abbaddonn and Quinnzo, Well you can't help retards as bad as them.
Ruke, Zomg update you livejournal, zomg seriously ruke ruke ruke update your livejournal quick update ruke come on why haven't you updated, sylphet shut up this doesn't involve you ruke update this is so much more important then life itself.
Last but not the least Woe. By the way 2 GM calls in one night but I'm still not banned~
Artus: Woe, how goes it you fucking useless twat. I hope you enjoy your life working in a box factory. I'm sure you'll go far with that. Its too bad you had to go and blame your girlfriend for getting knocked up and making you quit FF. But then you came back! way before 9 months, so whats that mean? You must have either broke up with your pregnant girlfriend and leave her to raise the kid alone so you could play FFXI, or you took care of the baby before the 28week mark. I think either way you turn out like a giant cock bag. We all know what you did. But now your playing FF again, all must be well! You and Blackice should start a club together. You can use the treehouse your fathers never made for you. It can be called.... The People who Fail at life for FFXI. TPWFALFF for short!
Aladar: My name is Woe and i have no life and the only thing I'm good at is personal attacks.
Well that was interesting, and just so people toss and turn and want to scream out in they're pitiful anger at Artus, it can be found at Artus' livejournal~ Since this is an interview with him and has only minor comments from me, comments will be off, Enjoy~
(Comments can be placed at