
Mar 24, 2007 08:45

    You know~ Tomatoes are a rather interesting plant. Although they are always clumped in as vegetables when we are forced to eat, what most people see as an abominable side, our food for the maximum nutrient potential they are actually fruit. I was actually thinking about maybe having a garden and growing just tomatoes, but I found some other people had some much more interesting tomatoes then I could ever manage to grow in some shitty garden.

I'm sure you all just want me to get the point and not drag out in these dramatic openings that no one has any knowledge of whats to come, but, as everyone whose ever come to my LJ knows I've never been one to pull punches and always go after whoever seems to piss me off/annoy me.  So as we see, not straying from my usual manner, this is it~

"Ohh gee golly Damion how do you suppose you can get those kind of Tomatoes!?"

Well the answer I guess isn't so simple!  You'd have to ask some of the nice folks at TCO.  Since apparently none of the officers have a problem with it you should have no problem in getting the information out of them.  You know how much of upstanding citizens they all are!

I know I know you're all wondering "Damion how do you get all your amazing first rate intel on situations and stuff like this?"  Well its not easy being Damion I'll just let you all know this now~  As for that, its a secret!  A good livejournalist like myself would never let important information like that to leak out!

Well enough about HOW I got the information lets talk about how this effects any situation at the moment~  I know this will just turn into "ZOMG you're just jealous they get claims blah blah blah"  If anyone has noticed Heliopolis hasn't been to HNM camps in a long time~ So I wouldn't think that would be the case.  Next it'll probably be something like "Oh what do you matter you're not even in the HNM scene anymore!"  Hard hitters I see I almost went down for the count~  But, as anyone who would know me, frankly I'm an asshole and I don't give a damn what people think about me.  I do feel the need to let EVERYONE see this kind of stuff though, just because it gives me that little tingly feeling that only a drama llama can bring.

In any case, you can all see why this kind of information would bring controversy so I'll let the imagination run wild on how this effects you~  Although most people would just come to the conclusion that everyone bots so it doesn't matter, but there are some pure people out there who think that everyone has the common courtesy to not bot and botters are the evil doers that destroy this sense of naivete.  Even so~ just think of all the gear that some people may have got from these Tomatoes, as so eloquently named.  E bodys~ A bodys~ M bodys~ D rings~ Well pretty much anything you could get as a drop from a King/NQ HNM.

Let the drama ensue~
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