Jun 02, 2005 11:55
Well here I am coming to you semi live from the Athens Regional Library across the street from Saint Mary's Hospital where my mother is currently at AGAIN!!!. She sufferd another mild heart attack and had to be rushed in once more , I am glad she is here and that they are taking care of her ...but I FUCKING HATE HOSPITALS ....but I guess the subject line gave that away already. They are currently performing a 4 hours long test/surgery and while that is going on I decided to get some air and try and intake some of the clean goodness that is the city of Athens .... in other words I walked next door to the Golden Pantry and bought some ciggerates and then popped into the ARL for a quick email check and LJ update .....
My top reason why I hate hospitals ,
The Barrow County Hospital in Winder , which is where I live , is full of complete and utter numb nut ; dipshit ; assholes , that would not know health if it bite them in the ass. We went in there 4 damn times last week and they said "All she has is Acid Reflux , don't bother us with this .... go get some Malox and go home" .... what happend? .... twas not reflux my freinds ... it was a freakin heart attack ..... I am dangerously close to fully contemplating a lawsuit against them for malpractice .... but they already have one from a guy that was there when we were ... check this shit out. A guy , round 27 or 28 , had his arm cut completly off at work .... the EMS rushed him to Barrow County and he died in the ER from blood loss .... all because they took 2 fucking hours to come see about him , told him "Hold this over it and a doctor will see you shortly" .....HIS ARM WAS GONE!! .... damnit people , thats serious ..... yet I digress.
In other fronts , nothing .... because I have been 100% commited to making sure my mom is alright ..... I've not slept in 7 days now but thats nothing ...went 2 weeks not to long ago. But it's a labor of love and I can handle the pain , .... anyone that knows me well can tell you I kinda thrive off the pain .... damn ....I'm sick but I love it ;).
Gonna sign off now and get back over to make sure she is alright ..... peace folk .... May We All Get Laid!!