I haz it.
Even though I spent my entire day yesterday doing things for others I was happy. Manual labor? No problem. My calves were aching from overtaxing on Sunday and Monday, but I worked through the pain. It was hot, but I don't mind sweat. I had a schedule to keep and I did it with aplomb. I didn't sit still all day.
I was free.
When I come to work I lose all energy and motivation. Even working on personal items becomes drudgery. I know it's in my head, as making a phone call here is no different than doing it from home. Even so...this place drains me of life and feels like a prison.
Work I used to tackle with energy and attention to detail has become anathema. I have no interest in conversing with co-workers. I feel trapped in a gray cubicle farm. This place just sucks the wind right out of my sails.