A friend emailed me this recipe (we were at a restaurant a couple days ago, and had been talking about things to do with all the little
Starlight mints one ends up with if one puts them in one's pocket after a restaurant meal rather than actually eating them), and since it sounds like a tasty summer treat (and involves Pocky sticks, for fans of things Japanese . . .), I thought I'd randomly cut'n'past it here.
From my sister. Here's what to do with all those accumulated red/white
striped dinner mints you get when eating out:
Peppermint Ice Cream Treat
In a blender, mix/grind/blend vanilla ice cream, crushed peppermint
candies (the red and white striped kind), a cup of milk and a couple
of ice cubes until fully pureed and slushy. Pour into glass or dish
and put into freezer until hard. Serve with a couple of Pocky sticks
stuck in the top :)
The amount of ice cream is a little more than the amount of output
that you'd want -- so if you want a cup, put in a cup and a half.