Jul 01, 2008 13:20
So, sorry for the delay of IC postings and whatnot, but life has been hectic recently; and now it's just become even more insane.
Josh and I got our orders, and we'll be moving in August to Bangkok, Thailand for 3 years. I'm excited because...well, it's fucking *Thailand* but at the same time, I'll be 14 hours ahead of most of you out there in LJ land.
As such, in the Cam life, my time for RP with genevieve will be limited to the occassional 4 winds or GIRC games, but no cons, sadly. Once we move, I probably won't be on for a bit because Bangkok is fucking *huge* and I want to get to know the city as quickly as possible.
So, as such, I'd like to RP with all you lovely people before I leave....I know some of you have wanted to scene, but between work and this I've been really hectic...However since everythings planned, I actually have time to focus.
So, if anyone would like to scene/needs to scene/whathave you; let me know.
If not, keep in touch and if I don't see you at SWRE I'll see you in 2011!