May 01, 2004 03:19
Hokay, if you are a Conservative budday of mine you may not want to read this unless you don't hold all of your views as truths while holding the views of others as uneducated-unenlightened caca.
There seems to be a person coughANCHORALUMcough who has been posting up a storm on GC lately, mostly about Conservative related issues. Basically whatever this person says or thinks makes him/her right and the rest of the people on GC that don't agree are uneducated. Well this uneducated-unenlightened-bush-nut-sack-riding-good-god-fearing-religious-zealot-freak needs to be schooled.
Basically, the person is one of those uber-Conservative types that claims to know everything and of course they are so very well educated that they are right about everything and the rest of us are sheep. And I'm sorry that I'm making such a big deal about the whole Enron thing but this hookeroni decided to post in a thread talking about Enron and how people were looking over the "minor fact" that Enron gave more to the Democrats than the Republicans over time. Well, hate to break it down like this but over time, Enron actually gave 74% of all their political contributions to REPUBLICAN LEADERS you idiot fuck!
You are the type of conservative I have a problem with, you remind me of my father. Stupid as all fucking get out yet always fucking right, but most of the time you have no fucking clue as to what you are talking about. Fuck you Bush, he's a fucking moron who has done more harm for this country than good. We haven't even started to see it. Fuck his reasoning for going to war while my countrymen and women are dying over some bullshit cause. Dying for a Bush Vendetta because Saddam tried to kill daddy. Fuck your god, I'll go to hell (which I don't believe in). Fuck your religious right-wing bullshit. Fuck your pro-death penalty stance, your god doesn't teach retribution through the form of revenge, which is exactly what the death penalty is, not to mention that it's hypocrisy in every flippin' sense of the word. Fuck your one nation under god because most right-wing conservatives give two shits about the common person in this country. The only time they care is when they want the vote or they want the country to be united. The rest of the time they cut their health care benefits, they threaten their social security and threaten other forms of job security and benefits. If it was up to Bush, none of you people would get paid overtime wages. Hell, we'd probably start to make less. But that can't be right because we are one nation under god when the vote is needed, the rest of the time you aren't shit if you aren't worth a few solid mil.
This administration makes me sick and the people that actually believe all of the bullshit make me just as sick. You would have to be somewhat educated to realize exactly what this administration is doing to us. Yet they are the ones, those AnchorAlums that tell us that we aren't educated. Well, maybe some aren't but they aren't fucking blind either.
And it's privilege, not privelege you uber-eduated fuckity fuck fuck.