Oh. My. God.

Sep 05, 2006 10:50

This is pathetic. I am so bored, I am going to update my livejournal. TWICE bored bored BORED. This is HORRIBLE!!!! None of my friends are in this class anyway, I know it's independant. But can't I be independant WITH SOME FRIENDS!!!! Gah!! *falls over ranting and gets back up on chair* Hmn. What's that computer?!?!! You want me to kill everyone!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?! I'm bored. bored bored bored bored. I don't know what to do and I type like really fecking loud and there is no sound in this stupid library and it's driving me insane on how QUIET it is in this stupid libarary. I can hear the computer... monitors... running. And me typing is the only sound that is IN THIS STUPID LIBARARY IT IS DRIVING ME INSANE I THINK I AM GOING TO KILL SOMEONE!!! WHY CAN'T CHELSEY RAUCH GO TO THIS SCHOOL AT LEAST THEN THERE WOULD BE SOMEONE DECENT ENOUGH TO KILL. THE SILENCE IS KILLING ME ENOUGH AS IT IS. I HAVE THE NEXT CLASS IN ART AND I DON'T HAVE ANY FRIENDS IN THERE EITHER AND IT'S GOING TO DRIVE ME IN SANE BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE ANY CLASSES WITH ANY OF MY FRIENDS AND STUFF AND DID I MENTION THAT IS DRIVING ME INSANE ON HOW THERE ISN'T ANY SOUND IN THIS WHOLE ENTIRE FREAKING ROOM. IT'S DRIVING ME INSANE!! I THINK I JUST REPEATED MYSELF!!! THAT'S HOW INSANE I AM!!!!! and my neck hurts. and stuff. I feel like mashing the enter button for no reason whatsoever

okay i'm done

okay maybe not

wow i need to find better ways to entertain myself. becausethisisreallyfreakingbored. heyitsreallyfuntotpyewithouthittingthespacebareventhoughthisisreallyhardtolikeunderstandandstuffbecauseiamsousedtoreadingthingswithaspaceinbetweenallthewordsandshit. omg i just swore

in my live journal

*proceeds to mash enter button*

hey i have two enter buttons on this keyboard

omg i so need to get a life.

*proceeds to make strange noises*

*and mash the enter button a few more times*


Yea, i am THAT BORED!!!

wow it's the first day of school and it's already driving me crazy and shit

omg i swore again


lol that was horrible

omg i'm so bored

*pulls out plastic army guy from pocket and sets him on computer*

omg i need tyo like get a life and stuff because this is like really really boring and stuff so maybe i should mash the enter button some more

lol i don't know why that amuses me so much, it almost amuses me as much as looking around the room while i am typing at the same time....

*mashes enter key a little bit more.*

*five more times for good measure*

............... okay six more times for good measure

okay that adds a little bit more symetry to my journal post. okay not really i just hope i don't forget my little plastic army man in the library because then some underclassmen will take him and hold him hostage form me and stuff and that would really suck and stuff and i like saying and stuff alot and stuff god i am so pathetic this is really really really really boring i don't know what to do but sit here and get some more carpol tunnle and no i don't know what the correct spelling for that is and no i am not going to go on wikipedia.org and look it up although it is probably posted on there somewhere with all the differant definitions na dmatching words. lkklfslkj;fd
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