...in with the new.

Jun 02, 2013 06:44

Well, it took about half the year but I suppose I actually managed to follow up on my New Years Resolution sort of thing for once! Next weekend will officially be my last overnight stint in Operations. As of 6/10 (well, really 6/14 but they want me to come in early to start training) I will be transferred over to the Quality Assurance department of my company. I'm looking forward to the change in atmosphere and also am weirdly stoked about the idea of having a cubicle.

...I guess that last bit comes from the fact that a cubicle is literally like a 5000% increase in workspace compared to my current 3 foot slab of shared desk surface. Personal space! With an odd number of walls!

I'm a bit nervous as well, as this is something I've never really done before... but I did go through an interview with basically all of the managers of the group and they apparently decided I'd be a good enough fit to take a chance on, so I guess I shouldn't be too worried.

In other news, I've been playing an indie Turn Based Strategy game by the name of Eador: Masters of the Broken World. I like it quite a bit, though popular opinion seems to be incredibly polarized on it. I'm probably going to end up doing a big, wordsy, too-much-effort post on that in the future. Look forward to ignoring it! ;)
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