
May 21, 2006 20:06

It hath been a busy week!

Last weekend saw me off at
rifiri 's shindig - which went very well!  I got two pieces of exclusive tat ( a box of maltesers and some metallic animal stickers) for playing and winning (?) Gloom with -150 points and for taking part in Masterminds and expalining how I, as an evil genius, would Invade Mars using The Royal Navy.  Was a good weekend all round and got to meet lots of new peeps as well as catching up with old distant friends!  Getting home proved something of a bind as the Underground was running limited services and I missed my booked train - thankfully managed to catch one half an hour later.

Work-wise the week has been busy now that i'm involved with project managing my first scheme from the inception.  I have also been 'gifted' with a policy and procedure review as well as my newfound systems admin powers being requested by the technologically unskilled masses.

Tuesday tested my driving skills as I undertook my refresher driving lesson with the BSM to get my leet motor skillz officially assessed.  Turns out my only issue was confidence and that my technical ability at driving is still buried under a few years worth of other information and learning.  There was enough positivity from my instructor to convince me to fully go it solo.

After my last day of uni for a few months I decided to venture forth and do the commute to work.  The result was a success - no stalls and little trouble locating parking and a smooth return in the evening - with bonus points for picking
min_t up from the bus station.  On top of that - part way through the day was asked to attend a contract meeting at Meridian Business Park.  I made it to the meeting with ten minutes to spare and with only one small incidence of nearly ending up on the M1 (eek).  Since then have gone from strength to strength as I drove back to Rutland to drop off some boxes - again with no issues!

This week's test is to drive
min_t to work as well!

Was quite chuffed I managed to catch the Eurovision contest yesterday!  I was rooting for Lordi all the way and cheered mightily each time they got points.  Bring on the Rockalypse!  (My colleagues in work will be cursing fate that Lordi won - mwahahahaha - I pity the fool that disses the musical might of Finland!).

It is scary to think that the house move is only a week away.  A lot of our possessions are in boxes and my room back at my parents is prepared for our temporary stop over.  My main task for this week is to use all of my might and guile to work out what stage the House is at and to push for the remainder of works to be completed.

Anyhoo - over and out for the nonce!
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