No seriously... I do.... and only two are actually known... One was for the guard girls.... one is this one... one is private and the other is a secured Friends only LJ
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I've noticed too that very few people seem to still be using Live Journal these days. My guess is that everyone's caught up in Twitter's insta-updates and thus no one wants to sit down and compose a proper long-form post. Sad.
Also, wow, you are quite a prolific writer! I had a handwritten journal for a long time before I started an online version, but between the two I've only managed about 900 written pages and 650 typed pages -- and this over the last 11 years! Nice work :-)
I do both, and I find that LJ's disappearing population didn't move to Twitter. There's very few people who ONLY tweet. My guess is that Facebook trying to provide so many different functionalities - blogging, microblogging, photos, videos, games - distracted people from blogging sites. Tragic.
I wonder if we should start a revitalize-LJ initiative by purging dead users and starting again with small, active communities. >:3
By the way, Sparks, I hope this means you read my latest post. :x
I can certainly sympathize with this to a certain extent. I basically never use facebook, except to occasionally look up photos on someone's friends page, and I do find it really weird and awkward that I'm friends with a bunch of people and that they can see things that go in there. My solution has basically been to just not really put anything on facebook because the other way (manually going through and organizing/deleting people) is too much effort
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In response to your below comment. I only delete entries that really mean nothing. Most of the super short ones. "I have a test in ten minutes" or song lyrics. I have a LOT of posts of just song lyrics. I also delete pictured posts where most of the pictures have been taken down anyway so it deems pointless to print out a journal entry talkinng about Photos that can't be seen. I delete ones showing off new icons I no longer have stored. I also delete stuff that I no longer can understand. If I can't remember what the hell I was talking about I won't hold onto it either. Especially when I find printing out and using 8 reams of paper and finding a place to store that much journaling I just don't think it matters anymore. I do however keep random things that i find stupid... Like descriptions of my day at school
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the Written journals have failed.. It is my goal to finish an entire journal book handwritten at some point in my life... but so far about halfway through is all I get no matter how big the notebook.
Unfortunately I haven't read through your most recent updates and I admit I skimmed your two week experiment of trying to write everyday about your days... but I was happy to see you made it to West Virginia by foot again!
Thanks! And don't worry -- I think most people skim (or just entirely skip) my posts when they get so long. I have to work on that length thing, but if I'm really writing there's always so much to write about!
You should have taken a look back at my old journals (like I am.... I use to not know what a paragraph was which is surprising for a high schooler everything was just one big block cause my stream of typing didn't ever break... so i figured why separate) until I learned LJ cuts my friends HATED me...
Don't shorten them... If I ever get back into writing in here I would actively read every word... I even admit I skim peoples journals but get mad hearing they do the same to me lol.
Also, wow, you are quite a prolific writer! I had a handwritten journal for a long time before I started an online version, but between the two I've only managed about 900 written pages and 650 typed pages -- and this over the last 11 years! Nice work :-)
I wonder if we should start a revitalize-LJ initiative by purging dead users and starting again with small, active communities. >:3
By the way, Sparks, I hope this means you read my latest post. :x
Unfortunately I haven't read through your most recent updates and I admit I skimmed your two week experiment of trying to write everyday about your days... but I was happy to see you made it to West Virginia by foot again!
Don't shorten them... If I ever get back into writing in here I would actively read every word... I even admit I skim peoples journals but get mad hearing they do the same to me lol.
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