I haz a header !

Jan 28, 2011 22:11

Woohoo ! Went one step further into fangirliness/obsessiveness and I now have a header ! :)

A Castle header, at that, which surprises even me...I almost feel like I'm betraying TXF (but don't worry, show, you'll always be my number one).

So yeah, pretty obsessed with Castle, and I think this particular obsession is for the long haul, that is if the writers keep doing that good of a job. But I have faith in them; so far, so good ! Don't disappoint me, TPTB.

So I'm planning on doing a post on the awesomeness that is Castle (and more particularly Det. Kate Beckett, of course) at some point, but for the moment I'm just going to gaze at my new header and go read some fanfiction.

Clearly I have way too much time on my hands and way to little social life !

fandom, castle

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