Sick of social..

Sep 01, 2006 12:51

I'm not sure what it is lately, but I seem to be removing myself further from social circles with each passing week. I suspect it's mostly because of the amount of bitchiness and backstabbing I'm noticing amongst people as well as the point that everyone else seems too wrapped up in their lives to give a darn about any of their friends, no matter me.

Overall this doesn't seem to be effecting me much, I far too often have to put on the happy act for people, it's nice to be able to relax it a bit more. It's odd how I talk so much yet tell so little, after all, how many of you actually know much about me? I hide my life and only show the edges to those few that are interested. I guess I never was truly social, it was just another act to try and bring a little more action to my life, but once more I discover it's simply a ruse, me fooling myself into thinking I am actually comfortable.

I found out a while ago where all my stress has been coming from and guess what? It's from my social life! I have plenty of money, a stable job and little worries elsewhere, so all the stress that's been plaguing me lately is from socializing. With that in mind I've been cutting back, I'm pulling back into my shell where it's safe and I think I'm going to mostly stay there for a while. Simply put, I'm sick of people judging others by just one aspect of that person, sick of them avoiding contact because the person has changed a little! Wake up you idiots and look at your own actions before you start judging others by the same!

For now that's about it, I expect I'll keep coming to the Tuesday coffee nights and going to the Role-play, but that's going to be my limits for a while. I've made friendships with a few of you and I'll try to keep those, but if you decide that I'm too much of an ass now that I'm dropping the happy fox act then you can go screw yourself for all I care.

No I haven't turned 'emo', this is me, I'm dropping the stupid act, I'll be happy when I want to be, I'm be pissed when I feel like it, the mask is off, it's time you see the true face...

~Dalfox out~
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