Closed: Werewolves are not a device to sell shitty papers.

Apr 12, 2014 22:59

Sebastian was, for lack of a better term, brooding. He'd been staring at that stupid fucking Daily Prophet article since he'd gotten his hands in it and was no where closer to sorting out the chaos it had turned his head into. It hadn't said anything, specifically, about him being a werewolf. It was heavily implied but not out right labeled. Of course, all it would take would be one look at the registry that no one generally bothered to think about, and everyone would know anyway. That wasn't even the worst part.

Fucking Romilda Vane - who Sebastian only recognized by name due to having spent a lot of time around Gryffindors thanks to Oliver sixth year - had completely outed his sister and in the same paragraph gone on to start breeding panic over the pack that they were dealing with. This was only the beginning, and it was going to snowball from here the way these things always did. Sebastian could see it in his head, like a movie playing on the far wall of the study that he'd been blankly staring at for the past twenty or so minutes.

His first instinct was to take off. He'd done it before, multiple times. Disappearing wasn't all that difficult, all things considered. This time was different, even if he wanted it not to be, and he knew with everything he had that running wasn't an option. He'd sworn he wouldn't, knew Sabrina wouldn't, and no one knew as well as the Daleys what could happen if you ran when there was a werewolf pack trailing you. Sebastian was good, but he wasn't a miracle worker, unfortunately.

He should probably owl Jemma or Potter. See where this was going and what plans they'd come up with to get this under control,and how he could help with it. Sebastian was absolutely not the person to manage public relations, but that was Jemma's forte.

When he heard Sabrina coming down the stairs, he shook himself out of his quiet angst and called out to her from the study even as he was stepping out of the room. "Have you seen this yet, by any chance?"

sabrina daley, third

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