Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks

Mar 19, 2008 22:17

Title: Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks
Author: daleheadRating: NC-17 ( Read more... )

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dalehead March 19 2008, 22:50:23 UTC
*g* I'm glad you like sweetie.

Have I packed? Have I buffalo! I've been proning and watching The Curse of Steptoe and Torchwood *g*

*hugshugshugs* Your address is in my bag and a post card will be winging its way to you. And I'm not gone yet - I will be popping up in the morning too!


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dalehead March 19 2008, 23:14:12 UTC
Have a lovely weekend baby and 7.15? ARE YOU MAD??????!!!!!

Paper with the Queen's head and everything *ggg*

Let me know what you think of all the TV you're gonna watch.


ex_warmfuzzi813 March 19 2008, 22:59:46 UTC
well two diamond rings, one for his finger and one for his cock.

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful...I absolutely adore this.


dalehead March 19 2008, 23:15:58 UTC
Can you imagine what the wedding will be like *shakes head*

And thank you for you lovely feedback *hugs*


doylebaby March 19 2008, 23:01:51 UTC
Orlando was such a romantic.

I was sooo thinking that when I read his line. *g*

I do love how Sean makes everything perfect and that all Orlando sees is Sean.

*cackles* I love that!


dalehead March 19 2008, 23:17:35 UTC
*g* Bless his little cotton socks. Poor Sean and he got up SO early. But I suspect there will be something that refers back to this in the next one. I wish I had time to write it before I go ... damn!


*whispers* Numpty is a word I heard on the radio lately and adopted.


doylebaby March 19 2008, 23:29:21 UTC
*g* I'm sure you will return to us to write it.

Have a safe trip, hon!


I like Numpty! ;)


dalehead March 20 2008, 07:31:56 UTC
*hugs* I will and I will take a notebook to write down all the ideas I might get.

Thank you and have a good weekend too.

Maybe The Return of the Numpty is a good title *giggles*


fanyan March 20 2008, 06:45:57 UTC
The description is just perfect darling...

but bad you... you made me burst of laugh for this last sentence " Tomorrow he was going to buy Sean a diamond ring, well two diamond rings, one for his finger and one for his cock. "


dalehead March 20 2008, 07:41:23 UTC
*beams* Excellent! I made you laugh!


fanyan March 20 2008, 10:17:18 UTC
hey i've never succeed to send you my adress for the Incelebration thing... always having error..

I just sent you a message via LJ right now


belle_lestrange March 20 2008, 07:25:46 UTC
omg we are going to hear about those two rings soon, yes? yes?

and have we yet decided if armani, gucci, versace or dior? *g*



dalehead March 20 2008, 07:42:35 UTC
Yes we are and no we haven't! ZOMG There is too much pressure - maybe we should go out on a limb? Try some new young Brit designer?


Have a fab weekend sweetheart and good luck with the interview.



belle_lestrange March 20 2008, 07:46:46 UTC
we should *nod* or orlando's trusted paul smith *g*

you too lovey! have fun in glasgow :)
it is not a "real real" interview so i try not to be restless because of it...arg i need to learn how not to be restless *pouts*



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