Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks

Mar 19, 2008 22:17

Title: Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks
Author: daleheadRating: NC-17 ( Read more... )

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dalehead March 19 2008, 22:50:23 UTC
*g* I'm glad you like sweetie.

Have I packed? Have I buffalo! I've been proning and watching The Curse of Steptoe and Torchwood *g*

*hugshugshugs* Your address is in my bag and a post card will be winging its way to you. And I'm not gone yet - I will be popping up in the morning too!


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dalehead March 19 2008, 23:14:12 UTC
Have a lovely weekend baby and 7.15? ARE YOU MAD??????!!!!!

Paper with the Queen's head and everything *ggg*

Let me know what you think of all the TV you're gonna watch.


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dalehead March 20 2008, 07:43:25 UTC
*yawns* I will and I have notebook with me lest I get any blinding ideas.



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