Holy randomness, batman...

Jul 19, 2006 09:50

Since last we spoke... ;)

The 4th of July left something to be desired. Just family crap... no one on my dad's side of the family can ever allow themselves to have fun on a holiday. They have to create some kind of drama to give them an excuse to be miserable all day, and in turn, make everyone else miserable. But screw 'em... my buddy boy and I had fun anyway ;)

Tony and Jen are officially done. So you would think the drama from that would be over too.. but no. I can't really get into it, but let's just say, she's as emotionally disturbed as I thought she was.. if not more.

And yet, the cat is still here...

Went to the NASCAR race in Loudon this past weekend. Had a blast.. being away from here for a couple days was definitely good for me. Both of my guys finished terribly (Elliott was 25th, Jr. 43rd), and I got a nice little sunburn because it was 97 frickin' degrees out, but other than that, absolute blast.

I get to meet my cousin's new baby this weekend. CANNOT WAIT... :-D

And that's about it... life in boring VT ;)
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