My current awesome wallpaper.
Yes, in case you guys can't tell, I've seen Sucker Punch and I LOVED it. Sadface at all the hate it's getting. I'm tempted to type up a film review of it (and I will, just... not now XD) but there's a very, very good one
RIGHT HERE which nicely discusses and defends the film. (Spoilers abound, though, so you might not want to read it if you haven't watched yet.) Basically, it's a (simple) story of a girl's planned escape from the mental institution she was wrongfully locked up in, told in a very vivid and imaginative way. If you liked Inception, you might recognize traces of it here. Just. When you watch, don't let any pre-conceived notion of the film cloud your mind. Yes, I like it that much to want others to see WHY I like it. XD
In other news, a good friend of mine was on ABS-CBN's (gaspuh the rival channel) Pilipinas Got Talent last Sunday. He's been wanting to launch a singing career since forever, so hopefully this will be his big break :D
Click to view
Watch, waaaaatch! I'm not even kidding any of you when I say he's good, because he is. 8D And while you're at it, you might want to Like his
Facebook page too 8)
Also, I never thought I'd ever say this, but I seem to be more active on Twitter than anywhere else right now (except Tumblr, I'm very active there too). Also I have another Twitter. Which I shall not tell because it's supposed to be a secret one. XD I follow Akanishi Jin on it, OTL. HE'S HOMIES WITH SE7EN ieouwriuoew? I'm like, WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN? They go all 'yo sup' 'yeah bruh' to each other I'm all O__O? WHEN DID THEY GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER? JExYG FTW I love fandom clashes *__*
kissandcry pointed out that Jin and Ryo once went to Korea and I'm seriously hoping they got to hang out with other YG people. DARA AND RYO. I DON'T SHIP THEM BUT I LOVE THEM BOTH. SHORT SCORPIOS FTW.
OTL I should get more sleep because this month is graveyard month :|
PS. Emily Browning has a beautiful voice *__* I think listening to the Sucker Punch OST will prevent me from falling asleep tonight.