(no subject)

Jan 03, 2007 21:44

I'm tired, and not very motivated tonight . . . work all but consumes me. I got called in twice last weekend, and was expecting to get called back in tonight, but thankfully that didn't happen.

This Friday is going to be tremendously stressful. I've already been told to expect to work most of the weekend. I hate my job, yet amazingly enough here I am going on 10 years with it. Programming and troubleshooting problems used to be fun . . . but not anymore. Not when the people I work with seem to contrive every possible way to walk backwards with their heads up their ass and expect me to work miracles on the drop of a hat.

I have a degree in physics that I should be utilizing in some form or fashion. So why don't I? I suppose I can blame my agoraphobia or AVpD, but I'm starting to dislike the work situation enough to almost feel "motivated" to do something about it.

Pardon my rant - I feel enslaved.
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