How could the Democratic party be any worse off than it already is? Well there's this misguided
notion for starters. It really stinks of that "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" mindset and makes it all the more obvious that the Democrats don't have a clear strategy at hand. You can't keep Church and State
separate if you make religion part of your platform, damnit!
Of course, current polls seem to
suggest that Americans are ready for the Democrats to regain control . . . but the Democrats have the Republicans to
thank for that. So now the masses will rush to the other side of the boat - that's a no-brainer . . . literally. I really wish this two-party system would capsize . . . .
All this
running back and forth seems inanely silly to me. If only we could
conceive of a reality where third party candidates have a
real chance of winning.