Crusade for Democracy

Jul 24, 2006 19:57

I read a rather interesting article the other day that I think is worth sharing. Never mind some of the silly notions that surround the What the Bleep philosophy. This is a damn fine article. Some memorable excerpts:

In a fifty-year period, we’ve devolved from liberator to the world’s foremost imperialistic ogre!

I'm sure that most Americans are quite sheltered from this perspective, mostly because we are disconnected from the reality of events taking place overseas by lives of excess and the distractions provided by a well-oiled propaganda machine. We're supposed to be the good guys, right? For most Americans, it is unimaginable that we could be anything else.

In 1912, the USA had no national debt. How can a country be in debt to itself? Think about it. It can’t. So there we were. No debt. Zero. Today, We the People, collectively and individually, are enslaved by a multi-trillion dollar debt owed to independent international, private banks. All the peoples of the planet lost out on this deal, as the Fed was soon to serve as financier for the imperialistic economic agenda of the supranational Order.

Those are some heavy words, and not without its own share of controversy, indeed.

Thus, I suggest that the essential idea behind “democracy” is that of a nation with “one law for all”-one humane, civil law. A “Law of God” can’t fill the bill, for the simple reason that those outside the faith suffer, invariably, a reduced status.

I'm sure that doesn't sit well with a lot of right-wingers . . . .


One of my favorite comics finally tackled the free press = support for terrorists fallacy. Any questions?


It's an election year, so given the "norm" for American politics, it's only natural to expect a lot of grand standing, but I must take an exception to a particular quote from this article:

"We should not and cannot rewrite history to ignore our spiritual heritage," said Rep. Zach Wamp, R-Tenn. "It surrounds us. It cries out for our country to honor God."

Hey asshat . . . revisionist history started in 1954. And boy, would this web site like to buy a vowel . . .

politics, comics, knowledge

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