Jun 21, 2007 14:45
I'm starting a club. It's penance for having been the president of SADD in high school. SADD, as you may know, stands for Students Against Destructive Decisions. (Formerly Students Against Drunk Driving; the organization expanded its focus in 1999 to enable its members the freedom to be preachy and self-righteous about other fun stuff like sex and smoking.)
Anyway. This new club is called YIFDD: Yupsters In Favor of Destructive Decisions. (It's pronounced "yiffed," thanks.) Our main goals are to drink, run up debts, eat trans fats, and have sex with people we shouldn't. Maybe even each other. You are cordially invited to join us. Together, friends, we CAN continue to disappoint our families, employers, lending officers, and authority figures in general.
Our main chapter will be headquartered in Minneapolis, but the formation of satellite chapters is strongly encouraged. Of course, there are no existing materials or processes to aid in the development of a satellite chapter; that would entail productivity and organization on my part, which I think we've established is not possible. I'm envisioning a very loosely affiliated network of independent bodies with a common mission. Much like Al-Qaeda.
I hope you will take part in this exciting new movement.