My official "yes, I still read LJ regularly" post containing random bits and such:
- My little sister was accepted to the University of Chicago and will be receiving a full scholarship. This was wonderful news.
- Said little sister accepted the scholarship after hear Notre Dame has a waiting list. This is fantastic news.
- I missed saying this before, but congratulations to
dragontail and
stareyednight! May the best years be those in front of you.
- Happy Birthday to the aforementioned Groom and to Adam as well.
- Total mass is down over 40 pounds at this point. My last workout cycle ended a month ago and the new cycle is well underway and bringing some nice muscle gains.
- On a similar note, have improved Look Of Death (patent pending) so d-bags stop camping on machines and/or talking loudly on their cellphones for 10-30 minutes.
- Muscle Milk. This is an actual product.
- Seriously, Muscle Milk? And people are buying this? Anyone want to take bets that Ab-Juice isn't far behind?
(EDIT: Now with 100% less code fail)