Yeah I know it's only been a day-ish since the last update but I have enough pics for 2.1 thru 2.4 and then some so you're just gonna have to deal, alright? :P
Last time on the Pratchets: Mort and Rosemarie got married, and Mort caught Rose cheating on him moments later. Also the first baby of gen 3 was born, Rincewind.
Wellll we wouldn't be a real legacy if we didn't have regular pictures of infants laying abandoned on cold hard floors.
Now that that's out of the way...
Me: So I guess you guys are back on "speaking" terms then?
Rose: What if I paid you?
Mort: When you put it that way...
Rose: (BFs)
Me: Awwww so romantic. >.<
They chimed btw. Moar behbehs.
Annnnd puppehs!
Gaspode: *blissfully pees on Sassy*
Sassy: *disapproves*
Kring: *is in awe of his father's...umm bravery* also *amg got Gaspode's face marking*
The others are just pink. :P Greebo and Errol are their names.
Salad is for wimps.
umm huzzah?
These two are pals all of a sudden. Rather unexpected given the last pic of them. O_O
Well of course he got fired. We're Pratchetts. We don't do promotions.
Mort: Heyyyyyyy *thumbs up*
Mort: Awwwwww crap. Nevermind. :(
Omgomgomg look what time it is!!
Possibly the most absurd scene to ever grace my game. :D
Awwww lookit 'im lookin at 'is cake i'int 'e cute!?!
*totes isn't purposely dragging this out* *shifty eyes*
Leaving aside the fact that you live with her...
Did your son's fiasco of a wedding make no impression on you at all?!
Mort: I'm such a failuuur-hurr-hurrrr! D:
Rincewind: *has pointy ears*
Eaaarrrrrrs!! Did I mention the ears yet? Cuz he got the earsssss!
He got his eye shape from alien grampa Pirate, all of his coloring from grampa Simon.
That shirt clashes brilliantly with his hair, no?
Oh you're hungry? Too bad there's not a nice big hunk of chocolate birthday cake right in front of you..
All bathtub piracy must be documented.
Here's lil Rincewind madeover. :D
Poor lil Greebo couldn't catch a break here. :(
Awww finally. :)
I had Mort take Paranormal (since he insists on getting sacked from his LTW job which is Criminal) thinking he would resurrect Amber (from Uni) who'd died attempting to fix a borked elevator.
Pretty sure the only way he gets promoted is via chance cards. He gets demoted just as often. :P
Heeeee cheater. I lol'd IRL when I saw sims do this for the first time.
Mort: *tries to remember how knights move*
/end spam
At this point I moved them into a new house because I just wasn't happy with what I was building.
Mort and Rose christen it by woohooing on the couch...
which was already occupied!
Simon: *has honed obliviousness to a fine art*
I had Rose invite over one of her college friends to take Sassy. Too many doggies. :(
She almost constantly has a "Call Ocean to chat" want in her panel. Not the brightest crayon in the box, this one.
Stop getting along so well. I don't trust either of you. >.<
Oh well played Rose. *applauds*
Yay siblings!
A girl this time, Bethan. She got some pretty wonky coloring. Red hair from Simon, Rose's eyes and Mort's skin.
What? Rose's hygiene bar was like dull green or something. Totes more urgent than tending to your newborn daughter.
Pups grow'd up. This is Errol. He got purple eyes which is good but I prefer the floppy ears.
This is Greebo, who got purple eyes and floppy ears.
And this is Kring who got the face mask but sadly got brown eyes. I like his coloring best but... I gotta have meh purple eyes. That makes Greebo doggy heir.
Soooo I invited Amber and Hayden over to take the non-heirs...I said before I had Mort take a job in paranormal so he could resurrect Amber...but then Hayden lost his job at some point and Paranormal came up for him so I just had him do it...
Ahhhhhhhheeeheheeehahaaaaahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I dissolve into giggle fits when I see her.
Hayden and Amber: *flirt*
Mort: *is afraid to answer the door*
Amber: Braaaaainnnnnssssss
Hayden: Bewwwwwwwwbsssss
*obligatory sex in front of toddler pic*
I had to cancel "relax" out of Mort's queue like 3 times while he was greeting the Perrys and giving away the dogs...
*hides soul behind back*
This is where I remembered a rather important detail. Hayden had brought Mort home from work with him one night and Mort and Amber autonomously fell in love when Mort did the "leap into arms" hug with her. Hayden hadn't cared because his relationship with Amber was practically 0 after he rezzed her. Despite the smile, Amber is on her way to mete out some zombie justice.
Amber: I know she's your wife and my own husband is in the next room but HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON ME?!?!
Mort: Cheat? How does she work that one out?
On the flip side, Rose couldn't care less that her husband is being accused of cheating on another woman.
Well I guess when you're the one Mort comes home to every night. :D
More chess cheating. :D
Oh just don't even start with me. >[
An amusing by-product of having irfanview screencapping every 5 seconds...
Amber: ohhh what's that over there?!
Hayden: What?! Where?!
Hayden: *seeds of suspicion blossoming*
Amber: *poker face*
Hayden: *tries to give Amber the benefit of the doubt*
Hayden: *double checks*
Hayden: I'm not angry. I'm just very, very disappointed.
Nother bday for young Rincewind.
No clue why I felt this was worth cropping.
Such a great blend of features. You can pick out specific traits he got from someone but he doesn't look overwhelmingly like anyone in particular. :)
He's a bit young for that kind of talk doncha think?
Rincewind: C'mon daaaad I know all about that stuff. O_O
Another amusing by-product of auto screen-capping...
I has a vindictive zombie in meh 'hood. D:
He almost missed the bus because he stopped to scold her for taking the paper. Also: makeover. :D
Next time, I go insane and decide to fill Rose's "have 10 kids" want because I felt bad that her LTW got messed up on her 1st full day in the legacy house.
Need to catch up?
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