From Today's News

Aug 24, 2009 12:26

(Biased?  Definitely!  Bias needs to be answered in kind.  It looks like Democrats have taken their lesson from John Kerry's Presidential campaign, in that if one does not answer lies, they multiply!)

The Republican and Democratic national committees have engaged in a war of words this morning, beginning with RNC Chairman Michael Steele's op-ed in the Washington Post:
"The Democrats' plan will hurt American families, small businesses and health-care providers by raising care costs, increasing the deficit, and not allowing patients to keep a doctor or insurance plan of their choice. Furthermore, under the Democrats' plan, senior citizens will pay a steeper price and will have their treatment options reduced or rationed.
...Barack Obama campaigned on 'post-partisanship.' As president, however, Obama has shown that he is beholden to his party's left-wing ideologues. It's not too late for him to honor his pledges for bipartisan health-care reform. Reversing course and joining Republicans in support of health care for our nation's senior citizens is a good place to start."

The DNC answered with a statement from spokesman Brad Woodhouse, who calls Steele's op-ed disengenuous and the latest in a line of scare tactics:
"It should be no surprise that the Republican Party - which whipped many Americans into a frenzy at town hall meetings on health care this month by spreading one lie about reform after another - has now taken to scaring seniors who have nothing to fear and much to gain from reform. But what's really incredible is that this feigned interest in Medicare and the plight of seniors is coming from the Republican Party - the very Party which opposed Social Security and only four years ago tried to dismantle it - and the very Republican Party which opposed the creation of Medicare to begin with. Republicans are fighting against reform for one reason - to 'break' President Obama and gain political advantage. As a result, when it comes to their arguments against reform - for Republicans it's any port in a storm."

health care, politics, party politics

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