Characters: Riku, Pika
Content: Pika and Riku spend their last few moments together.
Location: BPH Pool
Time of day: Nearly midnight
Warnings: Sadness, vanishing, Riku slowly losing his mind...
Riku walked into his hotel's lobby, Keyblade so tight in his hand his knuckles were white. He looked up through his bangs and walked slowly and carefully, almost as if he expected his legs to give out from underneath him. A deep hatred of the current events churned in his heart. As careful as he normally was with his Darkness, he no longer cared. He hoped he had enough to make them hurt. And his lips curled in an atypically sadistic grin for brief moment.
The pool was the same as it normally was. Save for the surfing electric rodent. "Hey Pika," he said solemnly
He pulled off his shoes and socks and dangled his feet in the pool. Riku still had his Keyblade as the legs of his oversized cargo pants began to soak up the water.