Characters: J and Spin
Content: Anyone remember the last time J went and got on Spin's nerves? Yeah, neither does he. He's gonna go fix that.
Location: BPH, Spin's room
Time: Afternoon
Warnings: Guy talk written by a couple of girls, but nonetheless.
There's something going on around here )
That being said, perhaps Spin was an odd choice for J looking for that exact sort of pick-me-up, as Spin was just as often in need of one. Luckily, however, the rookie had recently begun his climb out of his latest hole of depression, so J had picked fairly decent timing.
Spin actually hadn't been in at the moment J knocked, but rather was just on his way back from a trip for some (Tringham-provided) rations. As he exited the stairway to his floor, laden with food, the younger Agent blinked at the unexpected figure before his door and made his way over.
"You know, I'm surprised you even bothered knocking," Spin commented from behind. "Afraid you'll catch me doing something private?"
He turned to face the younger Agent, customary smirk already in place. "You kiddin'? I'm startin' to think you gettin' any would be a sign of the apocalypse. Plus," the smirk widened, "if you were up to anything, I'd've heard it." Because the Music carried everything, whether they liked it or not.
"Mmhmm. I'm glad you've fine-tuned your Musical senses to pick out such details. That's important in this time of crisis." The rookie stepped past his superior and opened the door for the two of them.
He rolled his eyes and followed the younger Agent into the room (invitation be damned). "And there's the hasty subject change, right on time. Surprising, no. Disappointing...a little, but no more'n usual." All said with a grin, right before J went for a whiplash subject change of his own. "So, what've you been up to?"
Though, Spin did raise a slight eyebrow when J went off with a subject change of his own. He didn't mind, but J had never been one to drop that subject easy. "You know, this and that. Catching up with some friends that I haven't seen in too long, the like." Some of said friends weren't in good condition, but that was what he was there for. "Doing what I can, as ever. And you?"
But first he had to deal with the subject change he himself had set up. "'Bout the same," he replied easily. "Probably gonna track down a few people I haven't seen in a while." Raiel came to mind, but J wasn't sure he was ready to face him just yet. Maybe Billy.
"Now." He raised an eyebrow, changing things up yet again (namely because curiousity was getting the better of him). "What aren't you tellin' me?"
Fact of the matter, Spin had been doing a lot of things that he didn't think was proper to share anyway. His relationship with Missy was just one of the things he'd been keeping private between him and another. He had been catching up with friends, yes, but unfortunately a lot of said friends were going through some less-than-pleasant moments.
So the answer was a simple and perfectly evasive one. "Plenty of things, man. Confidential, you know?" Spin shrugged.
"'Plenty of things, but you don't get to know about 'em?'" J paraphrased with a laugh. "Really? C'mon, Rookie, no way is it that simple. Spill."
"Let's turn it around. You have to've been up to something, why don't you try sharing every now and then, huh? I thought you liked being the center of attention."
That sounded like a challenge, and J wasn't one to back down. "Who, me?" Like that was a surprise. "Well all right then." He stuck his hands in his pockets, casual. "Lessee...did a bit of patrol, made sure people 'round here stay on a pretty even keel, hooked up with Starr...Y'know." As though nothing were out of the ordinary, even though one of those things was definitely not like the others. "That good enough for you?"
But under these particular circumstances, a slightly different thought was running through his head. As he mulled it over, he let out the low grumble, "Jeez, I don't feel as special now."
It didn't take him long to find out why that reaction wasn't what he expected - that low grumble was still audible, after all, and J had long since learned to listen beyond his own self-satisfaction. "As special?" he repeated with a slow smile. That comment coupled with his lack of reaction earlier...J was starting to put two and two together and was liking just how four looked. "Don't tell me. You and Missy..." he trailed off with an expectant grin.
With a groan, though, Spin realized that even if he could have bluffed that out (unlikely), his face right now must have confirmed it. He pressed his palm against his forehead. "You could... say that." He took a moment to regain his thoughts, before allowing himself a grin. "Something along those lines."
So of course J pressed it. "Somethin' along those lines?" he grinned. "Rookie, it's a yes or no question." Nevermind that he already knew the answer.
He paused, then shook away the dopey expression. "W-we were hoping to keep it to ourselves for a bit. Guess you couldn't have any of that, huh." The rookie gave J an expectant look. "Gotta go one-upping people, don't you. When did your little escapade happen?"
And then Rookie kept on. "'Course not," J replied, that grin turned just a bit cocky. He hadn't asked Rookie about any whens, but if the kid wanted to know... "Night after she got bitten," he answered calmly. Not too long ago, but not a short thing either. "How 'bout you?"
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