'Cause If My Eyes Don't Deceive Me [Active/Closed]

Aug 29, 2009 11:49

Characters: J and Spin
Content: Anyone remember the last time J went and got on Spin's nerves? Yeah, neither does he. He's gonna go fix that.
Location: BPH, Spin's room
Time: Afternoon
Warnings: Guy talk written by a couple of girls, but nonetheless.

There was, J had decided, way too much going on in the city and very little of it good. He'd talked with people, kept his head about him best he could, but this place was turning into a very very mad world and try as he might, it sometimes felt like there wasn't a lot he could do to help. Did everything in his power, but there were a lot of scared people around.

Which is why he was standing outside this particular door. Hey, even an Agent needed a pick me up every now and then, and it had been way too long since they'd talked.

He knocked. "Hey, Rookie, you in?"

agent spin, agent j

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