Characters: Albert Wesker, Sherry Birkin
Content: Sherry keeps her promise to her uncle.
Location: Gramercy Park
Time of day: Late-Night
Warnings: Seduction of the innocent! Warping of a young, pure mind! Sherry as Solid Snake!
Sherry had waited until she'd gotten her first thick books, and had told Claire she was going to go to sleep. It wasn't like they needed a little girl around them to get under their heels, anyway. Once 70 Irving Place had quieted down, and the windows across from her room had darkened, Sherry quietly put on her shoes and snuck towards her window. A fire escape clung to the building near by, and the little girl knew she'd have to sneak by Claire's room and hope that somehow Leon didn't spy her from her his window.
Or Mister Billy. Or Miss Rebecca. Or... the crab-bug-things she still hadn't seen by luck and grace. Sherry shook her head and continued to sneak across the apartment, opened the door and made a beeline for the hall. So far, so good. The exit window squeaked as she opened it and Sherry froze; had someone heard? Would they come investigate? She held her breath and waited - one, two, three, four... five. - Safe. She squeezed under the small opening she'd managed and started hurrying down the steps, looking up once in a while to see if the noise she was making was really enough to wake anyone. The windows were still dark.
She climbed down the ladder carefully, and tried bouncing it loose so that it would sail her toward the ground. The ladder clanged when it hit the alley, and without looking up, Sherry fled, turning the corner up to the park, running pell-mell. Her uncle would be waiting for her. She didn't dare disappoint him by not appearing.