Aftermatch of a Nightmare [Complete/Closed]

May 28, 2009 15:40

Characters: Daniel Jackson and Danny Fenton
Content: BACKDATED to after the Galerians kidnapped and did terrible acts of humiliation to Danny. Danny makes it back to the apartment, in terrible shape, and Daniel finds him. Daniel finally pries an explanation from Danny about his 'situation'.
Location: The Dan Apartments
Time: super late at night
Warnings: Probably some angst. XD Oh, and ANGER. Lots of anger. Towards the Galerians. Mainly from Daniel.

Daniel was not having a good night. He’d woken up about few hours earlier, when he thought he’d heard a quiet scuffling on the stairs, but it had quickly faded and, figuring it was nothing, Daniel had gone back to sleep. Now, though, he had jerked awake to the distinct sound of a door slamming open on the floor below him; his room was pretty close to the side of the building, and sound carried well in this quiet place. And this time, he knew that he should really try and investigate. With only one other person in the entire building (who could also phase through the walls without even using the doors if he wanted to sneak out), doors randomly slamming open might mean trouble.

Blinking, he sat up and rubbed his eyes, casting off his blanket. Gingerly putting his bare feet down on the cold floor, Daniel moved across the room towards the door as silently as possible. He grabbed his handgun on the way out, just in case it was an intruder, and then slipped out the door and down the hall to the stairs, still in his pajamas.

As he came to the door that led out into the first floor hallway, Daniel paused and listened. The sound of harsh, irregular, gasping breaths was clear as a bell, and Daniel’s concern spiked; maybe it was someone injured by a crab who had snuck in here for shelter? Throwing caution to the wind, he shoved open the door and stepped into the hallway.

What he saw made him stop dead in his tracks in shock.

Danny Fenton was lying on the floor just inside the side exit door, gasping for breath, and he looked absolutely horrible. His arms were tied behind his back, for one, and he looked completely soaked. Something brown was all over his face, as well, and…the only clothing on him was something big, pink, and frilly.

Of course, Daniel was able to observe this in a second. He dropped his gun arm and ran to the boy. “Danny!” Sliding to his knees, he rolled the kid over and tried to look him in the eyes. Danny looked absolutely terrified, and exhausted. And…what was that smell? A sickening stench was coming off of the teenager that made Daniel’s stomach turn, but he ignored it, trying to get Danny to calm down. “Danny, what happened? Are you alright? Hey, calm down, you’re safe here.” His tone was urgent, but he tried his best to relax the boy; terror was written across Danny’s face so brightly it would have rivaled a sharpie marker. “It’s okay, I’m gonna get you out of this. Come on, say something to me.”

daniel jackson, danny fenton

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