Characters: Mark Cohen
Content: Mark is out catching a little bit of footage of the city 'wild life', and starts getting chased by one.
Location: Some street corner/alleyway
Time of day: Mid-day
Warnings: Some cursing.
♫ Song Used: Santa Fe ♫
There they were again; Those weird white exo-skeleton things that seemed to have taken up residence in what remained of the city. Manhattan was a mess, and that was saying something in itself. Presently, Mark Cohen found himself hiding behind an adjacent building, camera aimed, adjusting the focus on his subject. There were three of them this time, crawling over a dumpster, picking at the contents and chomping them down.
"And here we find the new Manhattan waste management systems," he whispered, hoping the camera microphone would pick up his quiet narration. He crouched down close to the pavement, using both hands to steady the camcorder. "They seem to show up in droves after the Big One passes through. Seem to be omnivorous. This is the closest I've been able to get to them 'til now."
Mark had just mentally compared himself to Steve Irwin (though perhaps a bit more sane), when it happened. One of them had frozen and was looking directly at him. Mark barley had the chance to register this strange behavior before the large creature was skittering toward him, shrieking madly.
"Oh shit!" he hissed, slamming the screen shut, and running for his life.
[ OOC: catch Mark anywhere you like. Feel free to assume he's either lost his lovely pursuer, or go ahead and save his ass by skewering the thing. ]