Characters: Flute and Hamel
Content: A stunned and ecstatic Flute goes on a date walk and possible lunch with a nervous Hamel.
Location: Around Bryant Park Hotel
Time of day: Noonish
Warnings: None
There will be love, true and wise, like a rock between the eyes )
Comments 29
Hamel continued to just fidget in front of Flute's door. Every so often, his arm would rise up and ready to knock, only to pull back and make a short pace before standing in front of the door again.
Maybe he should kick the door down and come in dramatically? That's pretty normal for him, yeah. Well, no. Flute would obviously be mad at that and that wouldn't do. Argh, these clothes were killing him. A long black coat, black dress shirt and white slacks, while were his favorite colors, were much too prissy and made it look too much like it was date. Maybe he should go back up and change. No, there wasn't much time for that.
Should he just walk in or knock or-
"AH, Fuck it!" He groaned and knocked on the door rather hard
"Hi Hamel!" she said brightly, stepping out and closing the door behind her. Ha haaa, now he could run away without her. "I'm ready to go. Do you have anywhere in particular you'd like to walk?"
Okay, she was speaking! That was good. She liked the clothes... or probably didn't notice them, which was also just as good. A place to go? Oh, right. They were walking. He pulled out one hand to scratch his cheek while pondering.
"Hmm, well I was thinking we could just walk wherever I feet take us..." Ah, okay that wasn't necessarily a specific place that she wanted to hear.
And at the end...
Flute's face turned unmistakably pink, though she stumbled to verbally cover it up as they reached the elevator and she hurriedly pressed the down button. "I guess we can just see what we find!"
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