Underground, Day 3 [OPEN]

Feb 23, 2009 01:08

Characters: Thomas Raith, Minako Aino, FFVII Sephiroth, Nanaki, Misaki Shiki, Travis Grady, Link, HUNK, and NOW OPEN TO OTHER CHARACTERS
Content: The events of Day Three
Location: ??
Time of day: ??
Warnings: None, probably

Notes: For the time being, this is the only thread in which the missing characters can participate. Missing characters, ( Read more... )

soul eater evans, minako aino, travis grady, abarai renji, harry dresden, red xiii (nanaki), jeff andonuts, haruka tenoh, loz, yachiru, kaywinnit lee "kaylee" frye, tinkerbell, yazoo, sephiroth, hunk, daniel jackson, zack fair, michiru kaioh, maka albarn, celes chere, underground plot, robert neville, usagi tsukino, aerith gainsborough, shiki misaki, link, aya brea, riza hawkeye, thomas raith

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The Underground Group sexandahaircut February 23 2009, 06:16:54 UTC
Thomas ran his sweaty hand through his hair, he didn't look too good but then again no one else was looking very hot either. They'd walked forever it seemed, stopping to rest a LOT just because of fatigue from a bite and lack of food, water, and proper sleep. Thomas paused to rest against the wall, closing his eyes. The inner voice of his demon was getting louder and harder to ignore. He hadn't fed on anyone down here...not even a sip...and it was nearly killing him not to. Thomas could feel the urge bubbling in him to just take one of the girls right there...it would be easy with their injuries and maybe it would heal his own.

"Fuck," he muttered under his breath, barely audible, and pushed the thoughts back. Empty Night if they didn't get out of here soon it wasn't the crabs or the giant monster they'd have to worry about...it would be the monster Thomas would become to feed on them.

Stop thinking about it. Stop thinking about it. he thought to himself as he opened his eyes again and moved to walk forward again. His arm was throbbing in pain beneath the makeshift bandage that had been his shirt. It was helping to stop the blood...even though the blood wasn't clotting properly. He was surprise no crabs were coming after them, attracted by the blood from all of them. Thomas was glad his shirt wasn't white or else the bandage would be showing the pinkish blood staining it instead of normal red.

He stopped in his tracks when he reached a wall of rock...a dead end. Thomas growled in annoyance, "Fuck this shit," he punched the wall, he was SO sick of this shit.


Re: The Underground Group venusloveshock February 23 2009, 06:32:25 UTC
Minako had followed suit, using part of her shirt to bandage the wound on her own arm (leaving her abdomen exposed, but right now it was the least of her worries). The worse she felt, the quieter she became. She lagged behind the group, tired of trying to keep up. She'd managed to pull her hair into a ponytail, but she knew it didn't do much to improve her looks. She was fatigued, nauseous, weak...

She nearly cried when they came across the rock. Was this really how it was going to end? She could tell Thomas was getting irritated, his inability to keep himself completely fed was probably a contributing factor... She watched him lash out on the rock as she slid down a wall, supporting herself against the wall of the tunnel. "This is ridiculous," she managed to choke out.


(The comment has been removed)

The Underground Group sexandahaircut February 24 2009, 02:35:13 UTC
Thomas heard what Travis said and took a deep breath, the guy was right. Thomas had to keep his head if he wanted to get out of here. He let out his breath and took a step back from the wall, it wasn't like the cavern...they could dig through if they had to.

Or maybe not, Thomas looked over at Travis and then up where he was pointing the light. He had to squint but he could tell Travis was right...there WAS a way out. "That's going to be a bitch to climb," he muttered, looking over at their small party of the sick and weak. The demon in him stirred a little...weak prey was good pray...easy to arose and pull emotions from...to drain their energy would be a snap and then he could climb up and---

NO Thomas snapped back at it in his mind. "It's worth a shot. Who all thinks they have the energy to climb up there and dig?"


Re: The Underground Group godamongmortals February 24 2009, 03:36:19 UTC
Despite the pain he felt, the weakness and fatigue, Sephiroth volunteered.

"I can try."

Anything was better than doing nothing. If anything, it would perhaps become an outlet for the anger and frustration he felt at being stuck at a dead-end. At the very least, he had been hoping for some sign of their captors so he could show them just why they should not have taken the best General the Shinra company had ever had.

Besides, there was little other choice. It was that or try to walk back and Shiva only knew how far they'd walked so far and how much further the tunnel would extend after that.

Unable to help the pained gasps as he moved - the bite seemed to be getting more painful or perhaps he was just becoming more aware of it the longer he stood still - the silver haired man began attempting to climb the wall. He did not think it would be easy but he would not give up now. He let the fury he felt at his entire situation give him the strength and energy he needed to climb.


Re: The Underground Group venusloveshock February 24 2009, 17:32:37 UTC
One person alone wouldn't do it.... Minako watched the silver haired man begin his attempts to scale the wall. She slowly rose from her spot, continuing to use the wall for support. She shakily made her way to Thomas, arms folded over her chest as she continued to keep an eye on the man climbing. "If I henshin," she told him softly. "I can toss an attack or two at the rocks... I can dislodge a few and make an opening..." she trailed off.

It was worth a shot, but if she were to do so, she knew she'd collapse... She'd have to depend on the others to keep an eye on her... She glanced down at her henshin bracelet, at least that was still there.... She looked around at the others, curious to see if anyone else would offer to scale the wall. She couldn't leave it up to that man alone.


Re: The Underground Group unlimitedstyle February 24 2009, 21:53:13 UTC
Shiki had to bite back tears as she saw the dead end. It was hard to stay hopeful, and the overwhelming feeling of doubt was increasing. She was too tired, too exhausted to think much of anything at this point. And it wasn't fair. After all that, now there was nothing?

The hole was somewhat reassuring, but even on a good day Shiki lacked the arm strength to climb up that high.

Hearing Minako planning something, Shiki blinked toward her. "You.. you can't! You don't have the strength.." It was a bit fruitless, trying to talk down someone she barely knew, but she couldn't bring herself to just sit around idly as someone who could barely stand hurt herself further.


Re: The Underground Group neck_breaker February 24 2009, 23:44:00 UTC
Right about this time HUNK, who hadn't said more than ten words through the entire trip through the tunnel, steps up and watches the attempts to escape from the others.

Pathetic. Just like rats. Except rats have the common courtesy to stay quiet.

"You at the top." HUNK says to Sephiroth. "Stay there. The rest of you line up. The guy at the top will loosen the bigger rocks and pass them down the line to the bottom. Otherwise you're all going to run out of steam in a few minutes."

His voice is rather creepy through the gas mask filter, but there is a strong, militaristic sense of authority behind it.


Re: The Underground Group sexandahaircut February 25 2009, 02:29:51 UTC
Thomas watched the white haired guy start to climb up the wall. Thomas moved up, about to go up and join him, "Minako, no offense, but the girl's right...you need to conserve you're energy...we'll do this the old fashioned and pain in the ass way." The man wiped his brow of sweat, his vision going blurry for a second, the venom or whatever the crabs had in their bite was really taking its toll on him. He felt sick to his stomach but he knew he was one of the few of their group who could probably make it up there with Sephiroth.

He paused when the irritable guy with the mask spoke up. He wasn't sure what the guy was afraid of being gassed or something but to each his own he supposed. "Awesome, you DO speak AND can come up with some good plans," Thomas replied with a snort. He wasn't in the mood and started climbing, to get near Sephiroth so he could hand down the rocks as the masked guy dictated.


Re: The Underground Group neck_breaker February 25 2009, 02:40:01 UTC
There's always one...

HUNK has a brief, albeit very satisfying vision in his head of grabbing Thomas and snapping his neck. In fact, the thought even makes him smile a little under his mask. But he doesn't do anything to him. For now, anyway.

Instead, what he does do is take a place in line to help form this working party. His arm was hurting like an absolute bastard, but he wasn't going to let these civilians see him showing it. This was just another test.


Re: The Underground Group crimson_nanaki February 25 2009, 05:51:29 UTC
Nanaki knew he couldn't make it up there. Maybe in good health and with all four legs intact he could have, but not now, in his condition. He hated it. He hated feeling useless more than anything. He wanted to be up there, pain and all, doing something to get out of this place.

With a frustrated sigh and a slight wince as he moved, he placed himself at the very end of the chain of rocks. If pushing rocks across the ground was all he could do, then he would still do it.


Re: The Underground Group venusloveshock February 25 2009, 06:23:54 UTC
Minako wasn't exactly upset that her offer had been shot down. She was more relieved than anything, really. She positioned herself in the line of work so that she wasn't having to climb the rubble, but she was still towards the wall more. "It's ok," she assured Thomas. "It was just a suggestion..." She turned to offer a weak, but reassuring smile to the girl. "Thank you... for your concern."


Re: The Underground Group sexandahaircut February 25 2009, 06:31:32 UTC
If Thomas could feel the disgust or annoyance from HUNK he didn't show it...then again he was probably used to certain people wanting to snap his neck.

It took a lot of work and every now and then Thomas would just have to stop, put his head against the wall, and force the bile from rising to his throat. He felt weak, tired, and like he wanted to throw up. Still, he had to press on...even if the walls were spinning. He swallowed and continued handing rocks down the line until there was a considerable hole that most of them could climb through.

"Alright," he said, his voice weak, "We should be able to climb out of there...hopefully there's a way out through that hole and if anything at least we'll be that much closer to the surface." He looked down at those further down the line, "We might need to help some of you up...who is going first?"


Re: The Underground Group godamongmortals February 25 2009, 14:47:38 UTC
By the time Sephiroth reached the top and was preparing to start handing rubble down, the bite wound was almost impossible to ignore. He ached worse with every deep breath he took and he felt feverish and weak. How long had it been since he had last eaten and drank?

He looked down at the others as they organized himself. He knew it was better that they form a line rather than the older girl to use her attacks, whatever they might be. As weakened as they were already, it was better to conserve energy in whatever ways they could.

"Be quick," he called down. "I'm not sure how long I will be able to last."

He began attempting to pry out a rock from the top...and paused, looking upwards.

He sensed something. Or thought he did. The faintest flicker of Jenova cells. But he would not say anything until he could be sure that there was someone nearby. If the feeling grew any stronger, he would say something but not quite yet.


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